Kayak Morning |
8:00 |
It's not a very nice morning, overcast and wet, an authentic Chautauqua morning. Blustery might be a better word, as the flag flies, the rain hits our windows. It's 39º, the forecast high for the day with the possibility of our first snow this evening, probably more likely sleet or slush.
Yesterday began with yoga at 9:00, with Courtney. Unfortunately, she does not seem to be attracting much of a following, as there were only two of us in her class, the way its been for most of her teaching days. She's a good teacher, not too rigorous so its strange that her classes are so small. And she has added some variety to her class which makes it more fun as well. Anyways, class was fine, and I stopped at Ryder's for a coffee, said aloha to the owner, Joyce, her parents who are often there, and John, a local guy who I have gotten to know. Friendly me.
When I got home, Evie had torn apart the kitchen, made a vegetable soup for lunches, a tomato/mushroom/eggplant sauce for dinner, made up our granola, cleaned out the frig and freezer, and was well on her way with the pantry. We have so many bags and jars of something that's been opened but has been sitting for a year or more that it's tempting to throw it all out except that you may just need it tomorrow. I think we all know that feeling.
Blue Heron On The Shore |
We took time off around noon, to go kayaking because the lake was calm and appealing even though the sky was grey, cloud filled. We got as far as Wells Bay when it started to drizzle, so we turned around and slowly headed back. Just as we pulled our kayaks in, the drizzle stopped. I put away the kayaks and Evie went in to make our lunch, toasted cheese on homemade bread and homemade vegetable soup. Yum. We both watched Stewart and Colbert, then Evie worked some more on the kitchen, and I did up the dishes before lying down to read and take a nap. Nothing like a nap. Around 4:00, I went outside, hoping to do something in the yard or go for a walk but it was raining so I put thing off till Sunday or Monday when it is supposed to clear up.
A Lonesome Dahlia (?) In Joyce Leonard's Garden |
Evie had dinner ready from the morning but we decided to hit our club, The Rod and Gun that is, for something I have been wanting---- a fish fry! Love the 8.95 fish fry at our club especially after eighteen dollar lobster rolls in Maine, not that they weren't worth it. I sound like Seinfeld. We got to the club around 6:00, thinking it wouldn't be as crowded because of Halloween. We were right. The bar, however, was full but there was no wait for a table. The last Friday we were there, in September, we had to wait for a table for over an hour on a Friday night. So, we sat at the only two open seats at the bar, ordered a couple of buck fifty drafts, then had fish frys, in the dining room, as the band began setting up for the night. We didn't linger as the service was quick and we were on our way to Wegman's by 7:30, for some ice cream and a few other staples. It's a good time to shop as there are no lines at the cashier. We were home by 8:15, in time to watch the first quarter of the Cavs game with the Bulls, then two episodes of Parenthood that we had saved on the DVR. We went up to bed around 10:30, to read, then sleep.
Today does not look like a day for a walk or hike; rather, it will start with yoga at 9:00, a trip to the Transfer Station at noon, then a good book, a cup of Turkish tea, perhaps a nap, and a dinner of pasta with eggplant and mushrooms, as we both enjoy the coziness of our house on a miserable day.
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