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7:11 |
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7:26 |
Up at 6:40, to a couple of inches of snow, a gray sky off to the south, some light to the north where there's a slash of blue sky. It's 28ยบ outside, with more flurries expected during the day but no substantial snow fall. I am excited because I get to use our new snow broom to clean the snow off the car. Our buddy Mac, in Woodstock, VT, had one and Evie loved it, had to have one.
We had snow off and on most of yesterday but nothing really stuck until mid afternoon when the weather gods got serious and it began to stack up. It was a miserable morning for breakfast in Bemus but four of us made it, taking it easy on the slick roads. Our talk usually turns to the same thing, our grandchildren, our recent travels, and nostalgia for our early years, but not for our careers. We are all happy to be retired, but not older, the rub. After breakfast, I went to yoga, of course, a large class, one of two guys. Then on to Wegman's, to pick up a few thing for Evie before getting home around noon.
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Woods of Victoria |
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Small Among The Trees |
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Late Afternoon On The Lake |
Soup and a leftover half of sub from Hogan's for lunch, some TV, Stewart and Colbert, then another afternoon like most of the others, reading, taking a nap, enjoying the beginning of a serious snow fall. Around 4:00, we worked up the energy to get up off the couch and go for a walk in the woods of Victoria, as the snow was falling. We love this kind of hike, to be out when its snowing, especially since this was the first of the year. We were not out long, maybe a half hour, but it was just what we needed to end the afternoon.
Evie then prepped dinner, homemade hash browns, grated then fried, breaded the tilapia, made the salad, sauteed the spinach then we both listened to POTUS with a glass of wine as the sky darkened, the snow continued a slow fall. Dinner was fine, as we really enjoy the tilapia, and I made some tartar sauce to go with it. We watched mostly junk TV as we were caught up on most of our programs and there's nothing we like on Thursday nights until late. We both went to bed early, around 10:30, because of it. I did finish my book, THE DIRECTOR, which I enjoyed even though like most espionage novels, the ending was thin. On to THE ROSIE PROJECT. I am only a few pages into it but I assume its about a socially inept scientist, his humorous quest for a wife. So far, so good.
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Tufted Titmouse |
Tufted Titmouse |
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