7:15 |
6:14 PM |
It's 6:51 and I have been up since 6:15, looking at darkness turn to gray, as the lake, then Long Point begin to appear. At the moment, our new American flag is fluttering, the sky a vast gray vault, no color, a black and white photograph. It looks like we will be socked in with rain, perhaps some wet snow over the next four or five days. It's 40º at the moment, will perhaps get up to 45º later in the day. We will be staying indoors today after two spectacular fall days at the lake.
Yesterday was sunny from the get go, a beautiful sunrise, temperatures in the 50's, a day just asking for us to be outside. So, I went to yoga, figure that. A good class, of three women, and me. I know them well, so we have a good time, laughing but taking our yoga seriously. I always feel enervated after class.
Happy To Be On The Lake |
When I got home, pulled into the parking area, the lake was a deep blue, the sky clear and I knew I had to go kayaking. Happily, Evie was already dressed and ready to go, having the same idea. We paddled down towards Whitney Bay, as the wind picked up some, sending the Canadian geese flying as we went. The sun on our faces, our backs, was delicious, as we literally sat in the water, enjoying its warmth. We then paddled down to the reeds and back home, just what Evie needed to get her mojo back. How lucky we are to be able to step outside our door and climb in a kayak and paddle away, literally the only ones on the lake. Amazing. And Evie has been doing well with her dental work, tired but managing the pain. That she wanted to kayak, and cut both lawns yesterday was amazing.
Me, Too |
Egg salad sandwiches with home made ginger/coconut milk and mushroom soup for lunch and we watched Colbert and Stewart, from the previous night, with their election shows. Stewart's I thought was particularly apt, as instead of going to the winning parties, they went to victory parties called Money (overflowing with celebrants) and Ideas(an empty ballroom)...obviously, money had won, ideas had lost, his comment on the elections these days.
Around 3:00 I got tired of my book,
Identical by Scott Turow and decided, after looking outside at the beautiful afternoon, to go for a bike ride. After my drive yesterday through the vineyards of Westfield, I wanted to ride there but it was just to far to go, so I drove to Bemus, rode my typical route through the village, lake road and around the park to Long Point and back, about an hour, with a brief stop at the tip of Long Point State Park, literally across the lake from our house (called Evie for a photo op). It felt good to be out on the empty roads at this hour, nary a car passed me on Lake Drive coming or going. It was windy at times, but I 'toughed it out.'
Biking To Tip Of Long Point |
When I got home, the Mc Clure's called wondering if we wanted to go to the VFW for wings. Evie was whooped, understandably so, but encouraged me to go, to get out of the house. I did not need much urging and picked Ron and Linda up at 6:30 and we had our usual double order of wings with sweet potato fries, and a couple of pitchers of beer. The VFW was crowded with mostly guys, drinking beers, few people were there for wings though some came in to get wings for take out. I was home by 8:30, to watch some TV with Evie, then she went up to bed early, for her, 10:00 and I watched a little of the Cavs game in Utah, where they were losing by ten points. I am not sure how the game ended up. I went up to read around 10:30.
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