Thursday, November 13, 2014


I really liked Turow's first novel, PRESUMED INNOCENT, and hoped that his newest work might stack up to his first.  Wrong.  I had to force myself to finish this, could have cared less what happened to the protagonists, whoever they are.  It begins with Tim Brodie, ex FBIer, remembering the day that Dita Kronon, beloved teenage daughter of Governor candidate Zeus Kronos, is murdered in her bedroom.  We cut to 25 years later when Cass Gianis, the twin brother of Paul, is let out of prison for confessing to the murder.  Zeus's son, Hal, now in his 40's, is convinced that Paul, Cass's brother had something to do with it and because he's a millionaire, he starts maligning Paul in the newspapers even though Paul is running for mayor.  Hal also hires Tim and another ex FBIer, Evon Miller, to find evidence to support his accusations.  We are let into the personal lives of the two investigators for some reason, Tim being a widower, with two daughters, Evon, a lesbian, having just broken up with her controlling but beautiful girlfriend.  Who cares.  They eventually dig up the truth, the kind no one wants to hear.  That it was most likely Zeus who in a fit of anger, killed his daughter; he also molested her when she was young.  Cass confessed to the murder because he was afraid his mother would go to jail because she had been in the bedroom just before Zeus and had warned Dita not to marry her son because Cass's father was really Zeus, thus they were step brother and and sister. Sound like a soap opera, on at 1:00 every day?  All's well that ends well.  Hal goes bankrupt.  The twins survive, as does Tim and Evon, none the worse for wear so to speak. Avoid it.

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