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Fishing, Early Morning, Off Of Long Point |
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Beth's Painting In Our Living Room |
Both Evie and I were up at 7:15, the sky already gray, the lake calm, the temperature 39ยบ. We spent the last hour drinking coffee, in our own worlds, listening to NPR. And I read all the stories in the Cleveland Plain Dealer about the the second coming of Lebron James and the Cavs loss last night to the Knicks. What hype, what manufactured enthusiasm, and what a let down for the fans. Such is sports...the team that we think should win doesn't always.
Yesterday I got back into my pre fall groove, going to yoga, deciding to go three or four times a week until we go to KC for Thanksgiving. It was good to get back, as I had forgotten how relaxing and mind engaging yoga can be. It puts all your thoughts, worries, anxieties aside, as you get lost in your asanas and your breathing. It was nice to know I was missed because a number wondered where Tall Tom had been. I didn't get back to 11:30, but the smell of freshly baked bread greeted me.
For lunch, Evie made me a Western omelet, using up the rest of the meat loaf. We got two meals and a lunch out of it. The rest of the afternoon was spent reorganizing our living room, working on different ways to arrange our furniture so we have two comfortable sitting areas, one looking towards the lake, one towards the fireplace. We think we have reached a decent compromise though we don't love the arrangement. We may need a couple of new chairs but when we go looking, we never can find what we like. I think Evie's satisfied for now, so we will live we our new look and see how we like it. These are the kinds of problems/solutions that fill our day during retirement. Evie also worked on all her pots of geraniums, trimming them, and we then brought them into the house for the winter. We have done this for the past three or four years as they do pretty well. For now, we have six or seven on our window seat, six more upstairs in a bedroom. Evie just walked by and said how she now 'loves our living room.' Cool...no moving of furniture for awhile.
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5:00 PM Sky |
Around 4:00, after a great nap, I wanted to do something, so I went outside and raked more leaves, some around the other side of the garage, some under the trees, filling another can with leaves. It felt good to be outside and enjoy the late afternoon before coming in, showering, and waiting for the Ron and Linda to come over for a beer, then dinner at the Seezurh House. We were excited to have them over because they had asked if our daughter Beth might paint a picture of the lake for them sometime. This was about six months ago. Well, Beth finished a painting she thought they might like a couple of weeks ago, so we brought it back to the lake with us, put it on the mantel and waited for them to notice it when they came for a beer. At first, they didn't see it but when they did, they both loved it. Linda, effusive as always, could not say enough about it. How nice. They took the painting home and hope they like it on the mantel of their stone fireplace.
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Better Together |
We then went to the Seezurh House for dinner, fairly crowded for a Thursday night which was great. They have a new menu, trying to compete I suppose with the new restaurants around the lake, with an emphasis, in my opinion, on presentation, not necessarily food. Ron and I ordered a stew; instead of a nice hot steaming bowl of stew, as I assumed, we had a string of meat and veggies strung out on a smear of pureed butternut squash... trying to like a bistro...not. It was pretty good but not what I expected and I could have eaten twice as much. So, Evie and I are down on the new chi chi menu (they no longer have Evie's favorite, a chicken sandwich platter either), The Mc Clure's, however, were both happy with their meals, the changes. I guess Evie and I are the kind of people who do not much like change, see the glass as half empty. Anyways, it was fun to see the Ron and Linda again after a three week hiatus. They are doing well, and Ron is loving the fall because he enjoys being outdoors and raking leaves, for weeks at a time. A good man.
We were home by 9:00 and watched the hype before the Cavs game, then watched only the first quarter before I preferred to go upstairs and read. I didn't find out the Cavs lost until this morning. Poor Cleveland.
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