Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Humid, Wet and Warm Tuesday Morning


Up at 5:30 and am sitting out on the porch, listening to the rain pelt the roof, pepper the lake, as it's overcast, gray morning on the lake.  I love it.  No boats out of course, a slight wind, 68º, with rain    forecast on and off most of the day.  I heard on NPR that parts of Toronto received 4 inches of rain, that the water was up to car windows in downtown.  Amazing.  What would our lake and yard look like if we got such a downpour?  Some docks would certainly be effected, water would come up on to our yard, perhaps up to our foundation.  I don't like to think about it.

We began yesterday morning on the dock, fishing but had little luck.  Still it was nice to be out early morning, enjoying the sunrise and lake.  We should have gone kayaking but were to lazy to get our act together.  At 9:30, I went into Lakewood, to Eight Limbs, for my yoga class, with Danielle.  Lots of familiar faces, a good class, a good way to start the week.  I did some shopping, like yoga, it's therapy though at Walmart, it's questionable.

The afternoon was spent, for me, out in the water, cutting weeds, reading on the dock, enjoying the sunny day, having a beer with my neighbor, David Leonard, in from California for a week.  Evie spent hours on the porch, pouring over the pictures on my computer from last year's visit of our families.  Each summer she makes a photo album of around 200 photographs from the previous summer.  She has to choose them, then get them printed, then put them in a photo album, quite a project, taking hours.  She is to the point, now, where she's winnowed the thousands of photos down to around 300.  Now she must winnow them down, according to so many horizontals and verticals, then print.  I am glad I am not doing it.
At the Viking Club

We went swimming a couple of times since it was a humid day, the water amazingly clear, enjoyed late afternoon on the dock, then went off around 6:30 to the Viking Club, across the lake, for their Monday night special, Cubans and Reuben's.  There we 50- 75 patrons at the club, nothing like the Rod and Gun and we recognized some of the locals, one a couple we used to see at Bud's in the mid 1980's.  They have a trailer at the club where they spend their summers, heading to Florida for the winter.  We had a couple of beers, split a Reuben sandwich, with chips and pickle, as the long day waned.  It's obviously an older crowd, very friendly even though we must seem like strangers since we have not been here in months.  You can either sit inside or out, depending on your mood.  We stayed inside, to be near the action, the bar.  We then went to Lakewood, stopped at the new soft serve ice cream drive in.  We both got chocolate marshmallow sundaes, with nuts and whipped cream.  Yum.  Both were delicious but too much even though we ordered smalls.  Next time we will split one.  It was a busy place, numerous cars in the drive through, plus lots waiting at the window, or sitting outside, enjoying their treats.  The gal who waited on us was also the bar waitress at the Rod and Gun when we went on Saturday.  She says she works three jobs during the summer.
Drive In Ice Cream Parlor in Lakewood

We returned home around 9:00, watched the first episode of The Newsroom, the first season, and liked it enough to continue it on HBO.

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