Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Sunny But Frosty Morning

Flags a Flying Yesterday Afternoon

Fish Bone Wind Chime, A Gift From The Albarrans

Up just after 6:00, lots of sun and unseasonably cool temperatures for June, 51ยบ outside, cool enough that I got out my fleece.  It looks like another great day, and may get down in the 40's tonight, great sleeping weather.  Not much action on the lake, just the music of the purple martins, an occasional fishing boat, a great morning to kayak.

I spent yesterday morning in Jamestown, getting my car fixed.  I dropped it off at 8:00, then walked into and around Jamestown for over an hour, through decrepit neighborhoods, downtown where a number of buildings have been restored, to the recently renovated train station, overlooking the Chadakoin River, a 7.8 mile tributary of the Conewango Creek.  I took some pictures, walked along the Riverwalk, and ended up on 4th street at the Labyrinth Press Coffee House, where I relaxed, with a coffee, burrito, and Internet.  My car was ready about 9:40, so I picked it up, noticed they charged me for two hours of labor, though it obviously took probably an hour and a half or less and they changed the bill, saving me eventually 75 dollars.  It pays to ask questions.  Evie also went shopping and started getting things ready for our trip to visit our daughter Jill and family, as we leave tomorrow, for four or five days.  Around noon, I went kayaking over towards Long Point, caught a couple of sun fish, a miracle, then fished over towards Wells Bay, with no luck, and came home for lunch.  A great day to be on the lake.
Jamestown Train Station, Looks Like Something In Moscow

Arches Holding Up Bridge in Jamestown

Entrance to Where Robert Jackson's Offices Used to Be

The rest of the day we relaxed again, enjoying the leisure of a beautiful afternoon,   Not much action on the lake, windy and cool, it was a lovely day to do nothing, something I am good at.  A few days ago, we had put up a new Baltimore oriole feeder, didn't think we would attract any orioles this year but around noon, there she was, noisily attacking the grape jelly in the feeder.  We tried to  get a good picture but she flew away each time we got near.

Female Baltimore Oriole

At 6:00, we went to Mc Clure's for dinner, where else, as they are leaving for Spain for twelve days on Friday and we are leaving for Virginia tomorrow.  Linda made one of my father's and my favorite dinners, lamb shanks, with sides of minted peas, polenta, and a salad.   We sat outside on their porch with beers until it became too cool, then came inside for dinner.  Around 8:30, Ron built a fire outside, a great night to sit out side and eat strawberries with chocolate, a great way to end the evening.  We won't see them till July 4th.  Bon voyage!
Dinner Is Ready

Time to go kayak for an hour, see what kinds of fish will follow my lure.

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