Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Rainy Day Morning At The Lake

Well, I am back on my couch,  up at 5:25, a gray morning, just the sound of martins mars the quietness.  No wind to speak of, a few drizzle's when I walked out on the dock to cast a few lures, no fish just a follow or two.  The martins flee when I walk by, return when I am past their house.  Although we were only in Darien for four nights, it seems like we have been away much longer, not sure why.  I have breakfast with the buys at 8:00, yoga at 10:00, so I am back in my routine.

Clematis Blossoms
We left Darien at 6:00 AM yesterday, much earlier than usual, since we were up by 5:00.  It's a good time to depart, little traffic on Rt. 7 from Norwalk to Danbury, the same on #84 to Middleton, and then Interstate #86 rarely has much traffic.  With three quick stops, we were home by 1:10 and had most of the day ahead of us, which was a luxury.  Usually we don't get home till late afternoon, and the day's over with. It helps, too, that the sun does not set until 8:45, instead of 5:00 in the winter when we travel.

We were able to unpack quickly, get back in our routine.  We had our lunch out on the dock, a luxury, a beautiful sunny day, not too hot, and the sun felt good, warming but not hot.  The rest of the afternoon was spent getting the yard back in order, watering the plants, window boxes, and geraniums, and Evie cut the grass because it was going to rain most of today.  It was surprising how high the lawn had gotten in five days, how many flowers had begun to bud (peonies), and bloom, the baptista, my favorite.  And the rhododendrons are still in bloom, amazing.  And I forgot to mention, the delicate pink blossoms on the clematis, climbing by our kitchen window.  I put up fishing line last week and it seems to work, as the vines have been clinging to it.

We had a simple dinner of bratwursts, left over from our picnic at Beth's on Sunday, and once browned, they were just as good as ever.  We caught up on Mad Man, started The Killing but decided to put it off till tonight, and watched some of The Voice, before going to bed early, around 10:30, tired from our drive, Evie especially from cutting the lawn as well.

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