The Bissells on their Back Porch |
The Girls at Drews sister's house |
Hayden |
Heidi Bissell |
Drew and Jill |
It's early enough,7:00 a Sunday, and we have decided to drive back to the lake today, to avoid any problems with Tropical Storm Sandy. I guess we are wimps, but we don't want to be caught in a storm and want to be at the lake if there is bad weather. Right now it's just dark and windy outside, but it's supposed to start raining soon. It's warm, about 60 degrees, everyone is asleep but Evie and I, neither of us anxious to leave but feel we must. The bad weather starts Sunday night, which is what we hope to avoid.
We had lovely weather yesterday, despite the storm warnings. After breakfast, Halle and I took Coco out for a walk, to look at all the Halloween decorations while Jill and Drew went out again to stock up on emergency items. The media really has been bashing the area with warnings. After lunch we all went off to a nursery, to start some of the landscaping of the Bissell's backyard. They picked up a couple of pine trees and two bushes for the front yard, to go along with their rhododendron. We got home and for the next hour and a half, Drew and I replanted two azaleas, put in the two bushes in the front yard, and put the two pines in the back yard. The pines will eventually act as a barrier on the north side of their backyard, as the neighbors houses look down into their living room in the winter. They pines look so good that they are going to get a few more to make a nice barrier. It was a nice day to work outside, as Evie and Jill helped us with the placing of the trees and the girls played with neighbors.
Around 4:30, we went off to Drews sister Carrie's to celebrate her daughter's second birthday. His sister in law was their as well as another couple, friends of Drew's sister. We had appetizers, the famous Bissell chips and sweet pickle dip, and Carrie had made a beef stew for dinner. We sat around and talked, watched football, ate, and had a good time, as they are great hosts. The last time we were in town, in early June, they also had us over for a party, so we feel like part of the family.
We got home around 8:30, played some games with the girls, and Jill and Drew went off to a neighbor hood party and as you can see, Jill dressed up a Heidi, a Barvarian bar maid, type cast no doubt. We were all tired, ended up in bed around 10:30 and Jill and Drew didn't get home till late. It was a good day.
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