Evie and the Girls |
Hayden and Grace |
Halle and Granny, Getting ready |
Ready to Walk to School |
I was the first one up as Drew had poker last night, so he slept in a bit, perhaps thirty minutes. It's slowly beginning to turn light outside and we should have a decent day, perhaps some rain late in the day. We are trying to figure out when Storm Sandy will hit the coast, the effect it might have on our drive home. We are either leaving tomorrow, Sunday, if the storm hits earlier than expected. Right now, it looks like we will leave on Monday, since the storm will not be felt till Tuesday but things can change.
Both girls went to school yesterday, as Hayden felt better and Halle was tired but went to school anyways. Jill and I did some storm shopping in the morning. I filled up my car to avoid the rush today, as everyone will be out planning for the storm. They predict power outages, so water and canned goods are going quickly. Evie went in to Halle' school to have lunch with her, a treat for Halle. Hayden had become to old for that sort of thing. In fact, we are not supposed to walk with her to the bus, like we do with the other kids.
In the afternoon, we went to Trader Joe's to pick up some vino but also appetizers as we decided to have a dinner of various pupus like shrimp, cheese, bread, things like that. After Trader Joe's, we came home and walked with the gang to pick up Halle at 3:45, six adults and four dogs. When the girls got home, Evie brought out the cookies and together with a neighbor, they decorated cookies until dinner time. Meanwhile, Drew and I went on the BW3 for a beer (just one) and came home around 5:30 for appetizers and cocktails and Jill had her friend Tracy over. After filling up on appetizers, we watched a teen movie Summer Eleven Evie and I really liked with the girls (we had seen it three weeks ago with Marisa Albarran) and the girls enjoyed it. It's about four girls the summer before they enter middle school. Quite well done, avoids most of the cliches, no sex or vulgar language, and authentic acting by the four girls.
Today we may drive to a nursery, pick up a few pines and bushes and try to get them in the ground today before the rains. And tonight, we are going over to Drews sister's house, to celebrate their daughter's second birthday, They live about a mile away, in another community just like Jill and Drew's, And we will have to come to a decision as to when we drive back to Chautauqua, either Sunday or Monday. I hope we can stay till Monday as we are supposed to go for dinner to my sister Ellen's house in Herndon.
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