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8:18 |
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Kayak Morning |
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The Final Day of the Dock |
By the way, Good Morning Barb and Jim Fox. Thanks again for a great clambake and I hope you both have a good day.
Yesterday may have been the last day of late summer, as we were able to sit out on the dock, read, and even get a suntan if we wanted. There was a light breeze, the water blue and inviting, and we could have sat out there all day. But we couldn't because we had things to do. Evie made cookies, for the granddaughter's to decorate when we go to VA on Wednesday, and I went off to Lakewood, to return bottles and cans, to drop detritus off at Salvation Army, and stop at Wegman's to pick up a few groceries. Around 4:00, we powered up Leonards and our lawn mowers, and the two of us cut both yards, chopping the leaves, creating briefly, a green, leaf less lawn. I have not looked yet this morning but I am sure it will be gone.
Billy and Chris, both in their late twenties, arrived around 5:00 and in their usual three stooges sort of way (no method), they brought in our dock, with minimum destruction. They don't seem to have a method of bringing in the horse and then dock piece as inevitably, a few float down the lake. And stacking the dock pieces seems confusing, no order, making it difficult next year when they peal them off put the pieces back in. But they manage to do it, are nice kids (guys I suppose) and are fun to talk with. Chris seems to be pulling his life together, working in the Marina and a Car shop, saving money, but also hoping to qualify for Unemployment if the Marina no longer needs him. I am uncomfortable with this, of how easy it seems to be to get unemployment even if you lose a part time job. Somehow I think it should be different for families, for a wage earner with a wife and kids, from that of a single person. But I cannot explain to my self why. Billy, of course, works three or four different jobs, always has and just got back from a motorcycle ride to Charlotte, something he did last year as well. They are both nice guys.
We watched the debate last night casually, spending time on our computers, as much as watching the debate. I got tired of hearing the same old lines, the complaints and if you followed the elections at all, nothing new was said. Obama had two good lines, one about Romeny's complaints that the Navy lacked ships, the other Romney's taking of donors to Israel. But he made no mistakes 'appeared presidential' and it's all about image, not substance. Romney was best when he did not talk about foreign affairs and veered off topic to talk about the economy, Obama's Achilles heel. Right now I am listening to Fox and it's amazing how differently they see the debate from Morning Joe, the same debate, two diametrically opposed opinions. We see through our mental models, coloring our opinions. They are like glasses we see the world through, but we don't realize we have them on.
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