Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday (Hiking Webb Trail in Mayville)


Another amazing morning, stars spectacular around 6:00, rosy fingered dawn, now a blinding sun shining on the lake, as fog rises.  A wonderful weekend to look forward to, as we hike the Western Overland Trail with a group today at 10:00, about 7 miles, something we have wanted to do but never got around to doing.  Well, we are going to do it.

Yesterday, we walked the Webb Trail, from Boxcar Barney's Ice Cream stand in Mayville, west to Rt. 430, following an old railroad track, about 30 minutes out, 30 back, a beautiful, cool day to walk, some leaves still on the trees.  Then, later in the day, we went out with our neighbors, the Scholtz's and Mary Ann Miller and her friend Bob, to the Nic L Inn, about a 30 mile ride(around 40 minutes) from our house, one of the prettiest drives in the area, especially when we get to South Valley where the restaurant sits.  We all really enjoyed our meals, this having been there first time there, and all raved about the ride, the ambiance, the food, so it was a successful night.  I did want to mention Mary Anne's friend Bob, 84 years old, an avid Penn State fan, never misses a game.  He's quite a trip.  He sang God Bless America on our ride out.  In the restaurant, in starting off asking, "How are we going to get rid of this bum in the White House?"  Our friends quieted him down quickly! He then asked us to join hands, and he gave a long  grace.  Later, he asked Evie what church she attends; when she said she didn't, he said you need a church!  She laughed and said that's what my father says, too.  On the way back, he sang the Penn State fight song, ending the evening.  An interesting guy.

There's an eight mile hike scheduled for today with the Chautauqua Hikers, a group that organizes hikes in the area each weekend.  We have been wanting to join one of these hikes but the distance has always put us off.  So, we have been waffling as to whether we would give it and try and finally we decided it was a GO.  So it's 9:30 and we are off to Topps in Mayville to meet the hikers and drive off to the trailhead where we will begin our hike.

Trail Head for our Hike
Hiking the Paul and Nadine Webb Trail

Dinner at Nic L Inn with Scholtz's and Millers

Cleaning the garage

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