Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pink Sky in the Morning



 Lovely morning, up by 6:40, as the sky above the Bemus shoreline has turned a bright pinkish/orange and gull silouettes occasionally mar the pink.  Little wind, 36 degrees, a lake slightly muddled, I wait for the sun to peak above the horizon, literally above where the the Italian Fisherman might be.  It's interesting if you look closely, as the sun nears the horizon, the sky lightens, losing its bright orange color.  Right now, the sun has yet to peak over Bemus, yet the sky is blue, with a few high clouds off over Long Point and the sky remains at its most pink, right where the sun will rise, lighter off to the north.

A year ago, we had just arrived back from our trip East; it was a cold morning, 29 degrees, fog rising on the lake and we voted that morning, noticing that we were one of the few democrats in the North Harmony area.  The folks were nice to us but we were not them!  All the leaves were off the trees, though the yard was not that bad for having been away for ten days.  I also mentioned how starry the sky was when I got up, and it was the same way this morning, as I noticed a crescent moon out back, towards the West,  up in the sky behind our willow tree.

A wonderful day, starting with a meeting about Medicare at Webb's this morning; then home, to working on insulating the pipes and windows in the crawl's done.  Then, a quick trip up to hill with 4 garbage cans of leaves, then off to the library to pick up five books on reserve.  Then home, for more leaf pick up, one more trip up the hill, and Evie and I are done.  Evie raked all the leaves from the beds, mulched them,  cut the lawn, probably twice, and it looks like a golf green.  Leaves don't dare fall on our lawn! Now it's time for a mannie, some Chris Matthews, then switch to CNN when Al Sharpton comes on.  Then dinner, maybe a movie, then time to read till I fall asleep.

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