Thursday, November 3, 2011

Another Beautiful November Day


It look like another good day to work outside, though it may rain later and it's cooler, 46 when I awoke at 6:00 to absolute darkness.  By 7:10 slices of orange began to appear on the horizon and now, after breakfast at Bemus, it's partly cloudy out and it's time to get busy doing something.  Breakfast tends to slow me down for some reason, at least breakfast at the Bemus Point Inn.  I usually get hash with poached eggs and wheat toast and am not used to this.  As usual, I heard lots of stories about the CI and its workings, then health, then healthcare, and finally, condos in Florida.  And last night Evie wanted to know who are these people who vote for Cain.  Well, now I know, as one of my breakfast buddies fessed up, talked about what a success story his life was, how he was this and that, turned this and that around, a real entrepreneur who, through his hard work, became a success.  It was interesting to hear someone speak to why they admired him, though my buddies subtly suggested how Cain's candidacy was a fun thing to watch, especially around their racist and conservative buddies, who find themselves in a quandary, liking Cain's ideas but not the fact that, like Obama, he is a 'nigger.'
A beautiful November day
After breakfast,  Evie and I worked on cleaning out the garage(Evie organized the shelves as she's the master), storing all of our summer items out of the way, so we can park the Accord in the garage for the winter.  It's always amazing how clean and neat the garage looks after we do this, how messy it becomes in a couple of weeks.  Because we have to keep it in order to put the car in, things will be different the next couple of weeks.

Evie's cut the neighbors yard and ours again today, since it's so nice out, and I have got all the bird feeders up, a new flag on the edge of the lake, and fixed our mail box, not much of a chore.  We were going to kayak but lost our window of opportunity as the wind has picked up, the sky is gray, and the lake has ripples making it hard to kayak.  It's about 4:00 and Evie's done, so it's time to relax, read some, perhaps have a glass of wine when it hits 5:00.

A funny aside, as we were talking this morning, one of my friends was complaining about daylight savings,  but Joe spoke up and said the good thing is cocktail hour can begin at 5:00, as it gets dark much earlier.  We all toasted that idea.

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