Thursday, November 17, 2011

Packing For Kansas City

Dawn 7:32

Dusk 5:56

Well, it's a gray morning but starting to clear up, as the sky is blue off to the east.  Today, we head off for breakfast, then we spend the day getting ready to head west to Kansas City to visit my son, Tom and his family, our usual Thanksgiving destination.  It's much cooler today, 32 degrees, and we have just heard that there's a winter storm advisory for tonight, with the possibility of six inches of snow tonight, just what we need as we start our trip early tomorrow.  Let's hope they are wrong.

We always have mixed emotions when we leave for a trip; we love visiting our kids and grand children but we hate leaving our house on the lake, too, any time of year (perhaps April may be the exception).  Change, however, is ultimately good and inevitable, so just go with it, enjoy the travel, the change, the family and don't worry about what you are missing, the snow in the morning, the changing lake, the sunrises.  All pale anyway next to the joy of seeing family, especially grandchildren, who are so special.  Everyone loves their grandchildren, agape no doubt, a universal rule.

Pound and a Half Sticky Bun from Bemus Point Inn
I just got back from breakfast at the Bemus Point Inn.  I had heard about their sticky buns, as they say, 'the biggest buns in town.'  Since I never had one, I decided to order on and my buddies just sat their and smiled.  Well, it came, as you can see below and it weighed over 1 1/2 pounds.  I could only eat a corner as it was so sweet, so I brought it home to show Evie and I assume, it will be gone by the end of the day.  It's nothing like Evie's, just heavy and sickeningly sweet.

We were talking about the hunting because Joe's a duck hunter and he mentioned that he had seen a lot of coots on the lake.  Well, I have not noticed them though their were some strange looking ducks floating off our shore yesterday.  Coots are distinguished by white bills and a front shield.  And Charlie said he saw a flock of swans yesterday down by the CI, about a month earlier than usual so I will have to keep and eye open for them today.

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