Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A Light Overnight Snow Fall

Bald Eagle In December
It's 7:15 and I have been up for over an hour, waiting for it to get light but even now, our living room is dark, the sky outside just beginning to change from black to gray.  It's 28º and that may be the high for the day.  We have a big day ahead of us because we will be getting a new carpet today, inshallah.

Woodlawn On A Kayak Afternoon
Yesterday began with the usual, blog and breakfast, then spending five minutes cleaning the snow and ice off of my car because we received four inches overnight.  It was a pain, as underneath the snow-covered car was a layer of ice.  I was on my way to a crowded Yin Yoga class by 9:00, in time to find a place for my mat.  After class, I spent talking with a couple of locals at Ryder's Cup before driving off to Wegman's for the first time in a week.  I usually go two or three times a week.  Despite it being Monday, it was crowded but I was able to find a fast checkout line.  I tried to mail a couple of packages at the post office but one was refused because the box has a  Duracell battery logo on it.   I had to drive home, cover up the logo and drive back to the Post Office to mail it.

Kayaking Towards The Reeds

Icicles On The Reeds
While I was gone, Evie had been busy getting the house ready for the arrival of the carpet guys today.  Much of the moving was done three weeks ago when we thought we were getting a carpet but the freezer and small refrigerator in our TV room closet needed to be emptied and defrosted.  So she had that done by the time I returned with all the frozen food in coolers on the back porch. 

Bald Eagle About To Take Flight

A Juvenile Bald Eagle
I had my white bean stew for lunch along with a couple of hot dogs and watched my show and Evie began to lose her momentum, tired from a busy morning.  After my show, I napped and Evie relaxed, watching some TV and designing, with photos and writing Christmas cars on her FELT app.  Each card takes time, finding the right photograph, enhancing it, then writing a note.  While she was engrossed in that, I decided to take a kayak paddle although the temperature was in the 20's.  Surprisingly, only my hands got cold.  I had to avoid the ice by the reeds, paddling around it and was rewarded with photographs of both a mature and juvenile bald eagle, both in the trees above our friends' Tina and Jim's cottage.  It was really cool to see them.

A Solitary Swan A Swimming
We relaxed with a glass of wine before dinner, then Evie fried some leftover baked potatoes with onions, made a salad, and heated up the pork chops from the previous night and we had another tasty dinner.  We watched a Colbert, some of the news, then a new series on HBO called Mrs. Fletcher.  It basked on a novel by Tom Perotta which I read a couple of years ago.  It's about a single Mom, an empty nester because her son goes off to college, who finds her libido from watching porn.  We watched three episodes and I know where it's going but the series itself though funny, borders on porn.  We may stick with it for the same reason we bought Playboy for the articles in the 1960s. 

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