Friday, October 28, 2016

A Virginia Weekend

More Leaves
It's just 6:30 and both of us have been up since 5:30, obviously pumped about our seven hour drive to visit our daughter Jill and family who live in Northern Virginia.  It's still pitch black outside, not a inkling of morning sky, just the twinkle of lights from the opposite shoreline.  We  did not intend to get up this early, just did.

A Rainy Day
Not much to say about yesterday, as neither of us had the exciting kind of day we had on Wednesday when we joined the Gowanda Slovenian Club.  For Evie, it was getting ready for our weekend, trying to decide what to take for three days, not over packing which never works.  She also put together a dinner which we are taking for Friday night, making it easier for Jill who works.  So the morning for Evie was taken up with some cooking, the afternoon with packing.  For me, my day started as usual with Yin Yoga, a class of 23, packed in the studio like sardines.  It's nice to see how popular the class has become.  Afterwards,  I stopped at Ryder's Cup for a coffee and reluctantly drove to the Schultz Express on Fairmont,  I needed a safety check, oil change and tire rotation.  No problem, as there was only one car ahead of me.  Easy, right, except for the fact the computers were not working so that I had to hang out for close to two hours to get my safety check done.  Once it was done, I had to stop at Wegman's to pick up some Italian bread and finally drove home, getting there at 1:30.  Evie had lunch ready, a chicken salad sandwich and soup, which was great.  I watched Longmire, then took a cat nap before deciding to get packing.  It took me about 10 minutes to get all my stuff together and put it in my traveling suitcase, a large, plastic IKEA bag. Love it for road trips, haven't tried it yet on a plane.

One Less Leaf To Mulch
We did not get a walk or kayaking in because it rained on and off most of the day.  We were pleased to see work was being done most of the day on the tip of Long Point, trying to save it from erosion.  We had hoped to kayak over but the foul weather never let up.

Erosion Control Of Long Point
We both were tired much of the day, perhaps from our hike but we had little mojo, especially in regards to dinner.  So we had breakfast, easy and good, bacon, eggs, and toast.  I am getting really tired of the politics, the stories about how bad Trump and Hillary are, so instead of watching the usual news channels, we watched three episodes of the cheesy Kiefer Sutherland series, DESIGNATED SURVIVOR.  Every time things are looking up for the poor President, something bad happens.  This week there's doubt as to whether his son is really his, as a prisoner, his wife's ex boy friend, is bragging that he is the father of the President's son.  Not only does he have terrorism to deal with, his uncertain presidency, a rebellious military, and a few untrustworthy aides, but now his son my not be his.  Poor soul.

It's almost 7:00, time to shower, get packed and be on our way.  Although it's a chilly 36º here at the lake, it will be warm in Virginia, in the 70's much of the weekend, perhaps getting into the 80's.

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