Thursday, October 13, 2016

A Stormy Thursday Morning

Fall Morning Kayaking
I am just beginning to make a few things out, a tree trunk, the dock, after the past hour of utter early morning darkness.  It's been raining ever since I was up at 5:45 and may continue for another couple of hours. We need it.

Yesterday was just like our week in Maine, blue skies, crisp weather, blue lake, the kind of day which makes you want to be outside.  So, what did we do.  First, we jumped in our kayaks around 9:30, just as the lake was beginning to wrinkle and we paddled down to Sandy Bottom, rustling up the gaggle of Canadian geese.  We then paddled across to Long Point, loving being out on the lake once again on a fall morning.   When we returned,  I worked on the windows outside, a mess from lake flies and the birds.  Evie worked on them inside and we finally got them  clean.  I even had to use a knife to scrape off some of the droppings.  We then did our thing.  Evie started on the washing from our travels, straightening up our downstairs, vacuuming while I went to pick up my boat.  Unfortunately, though its been there for two weeks, they have not yet winterized it.  It must be a busy place.

When I got home, I decided, for some reason, to get at something that has been bothering me for a couple of years but I ignored it, the dirt and mold on our siding on the north side of the house.  So I got our my ladder, brushes, bucket with vinegar and cleaner and tried to be careful because I know accidents happen when old guys like me get on a ladder.  Well, as I was carrying my ladder through the bushes, I tripped on a rhododendron branch and fell on the ladder, scraping my leg, bruising my knee.  Idiot.  I did not let this deter me, so I got busy first on the side windows, riddled with black specs of lake flies. Once they were spanking clean, I set up the ladder and washed down our siding, starting as high as I could reach and worked my way down.  I worked at this for an hour, then took some time off for lunch and a nap.  Meanwhile, Evie had finished in the house and was outside enjoying the sun on our dock,  perhaps one of the last days of summer like days.

The Beginning Of Autumn Colors
Around 3:00, I went back outside and continued with the washing down of our siding and by 4:00 I had finished with my task and for the most part, I had gotten rid of the mold.  I also did some pruning of the pine which was rubbing up against our house.  By the time I finished, Evie was driven inside by the winds which picked up mid afternoon.  Around 5:00, I decided to go for a walk through the Victoria/Woodlawn woods, as the sun was beginning to settle.  I watched a huge tree being taken down by a crane in our neighbor's yard.  The walk through the woods was easy, as the path was beginning to be beaten back by my walks.  Soon, all the green will die out and the path will be clear and brown.  I was surprised by the amount of dead fall that had accumulated since the last time I hiked it.

Victoria Woods

The Play Of Light
When I got home, Evie was organizing dinner and we relaxed with some rose before it was time for dinner.  Evie had fried up some bacon, made hash browns, so all she had to do was fry some eggs and we had a good breakfast dinner.  We watched another Real Time, then followed the newest scandal about the Donald, his groping of various females.  It's always fun to see how the treatment of him is dealt with by Fox, CNN, and MSNBC.  I'll just say that one or two seem more critical of him than the other.

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