Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Morning Of Lightning, Thunder And Rain (Dock's In, Alas)

This Morning At 7:30
Wednesday Morning Kayaking
Woke at 4:30, went back to sleep until 5:45 and got up, anxious to hear what the pundits on Morning Joe had to say about the debates.  Evie also had a bad night, no doubt too pumped up from the debate debacle.  The pundits were predictable in their criticism of Trump's refusal to say he would accept the results of the election, that he would wait and see.  Most felt the debate did nothing to help Trump get new voters which leaves him many points behind Clinton in the various polls.

Yesterday began the way I like to start my day, especially on a sunny, warm morning, with a half hour kayaking.  I was seemingly the only one on the lake, the waters smooth and calm, the sun bright in the Eastern sky, lighting up the colors of fall.  It was difficult to finally head home and get ready to go to yoga class.  Yoga class was at 10:00, which gives me an extra half hour to relax and get ready, which I like.  Class was fine, always different and challenging.  I stopped at Sav A Lot, can't go home from yoga without a stop at the grocery store.  Picked up some heavy cream for our dinner, shallots, and peanuts in the shell for snacking.  They looked good.

Working On The Dock
When I got home, I wanted to get the dock ready for its removal later in the day, so I donned my bathing suit, got out my power drill, and waded in the water, pulling the lag screws from each one of our horses.  It's a job made easy by a power drill but must have been a bear years ago.  I also removed all the furniture off the dock except for Evie's chaise lounge because she was sitting in it, wrapped in a quilt, enjoying her last hours on the dock,  reading her book.  I was done by 1:00 and Evie had previously made my lunch, hot dogs and soup, so all I had to do was plate it and eat while watching another episode of Longmire.  I am reading a new book, THE AIR WE BREATHE, by Christa Parrish, which started slow but I am into it now.

Bemus From Our Living Room Window
Evie stayed out on the dock until 4:00 when it was time to get the yard ready for the bringing in of our dock.  So Evie fired up the lawnmower and cut the lawn one more time, clearing it of the leaves, going over the area a couple times where the dock will be stored.  I moved the kayaks, set up the poles where the dock will sit and put away the dock furniture for the winter.  The boys, Chris and Austin, arrived on time for once, just after 5:00 and it took them about an hour and a half to bring in our dock, row boat, and kayak lift, record time for them.  They still don't seem to have a method but they are getting closer to being efficient.  This may be at least the 20th dock they have removed at around three hundred bucks for each dock, depending on its length.  Not a bad way to spend your fall.

Like the rest of America, we spent our early evening, fighting off the anxiety and fear of what the debate might bring.  We ate our dinner of chicken, mushrooms, broccoli and Indian spices, compromised somewhat by a problem with our oven (we might need a new one).  We sat through the pundits predictions of what Trump and Hillary's strategies might be.  And I have to say, I dislike Rudy Giulani just as much as Trump; he's a perfect Trump mouthpiece, obnoxious, nasty, and never answers the question.  We both watched the debate with fear, some anger at the refusal to answer questions,  the personal attacks but this is the third debate so we are getting used to it.  We then watched CNN's wrap up of the debate and it was extremely heated, as the Republican pundits tried to compare Trump's comments on refusing to say he would accept the election results with the Gore/Bush Supreme Court decision.  It was made harder, however, because Pence and Conway both said they would accept the results unequivocally and after the debate had to spin why Trump disavowed their words.  What a world.

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