Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Steam Rising On Chautauqua Lake On A Chilly Morning

I was awake at 5:30, cold, because Evie had taken the quilt.  What to do?  Chance waking her up by pulling the quilt over or just get up.  I pondered this for about five minutes and took the safer road, taken before, and just got up.  A good choice because it was another sparkling morning on the lake, the sun rose just above Long Point, a light blue morning sky, a single fishing boat just off the reeds, up early to catch his fish.  It's chilly, 32º out but I don't think there was a frost, at least I did not notice it.

Over Booked Martin Hotel
Yesterday's morning kayak paddle is becoming a happy routine. I still have two hours until I head to yoga and I cannot wait to get out on the lake even though it's going to be cold, just above freezing. And I just remembered that yesterday's paddle could have been in October as Long Point reminded me of the fall, barren trees, ground covered by fallen leaves and cool temperatures.  Strange to feel that way in late April.  I did head to yoga around 9:10, a 15 minute drive, to a better class, as our new teacher is getting more confident and introduced some positions I liked.  It was nice to see her happy at the end of class.  I stopped at the store to pick up a few things for our chicken tikka masala, or something approximated it, made with a Trader Joe's quick sauce.  When I  got home, Evie was firmly ensconced on the couch, working on Shutterfly, moving closer and closer to finishing up our photo book for the summer of 2015.  By 12:30, she had enough and gathered up her things, drove off to the gym, to work out, clear her head, and get ready to return home to finish off the book.  She can only concentrate for so long before things get fuzzy, confusing and she needs to come up for air.

Chestnut Hill Stairway, In Progress
I had lunch, tuna on a bagel and some ramen and started the new season of Game of Thrones.  I then read, took a brief nap, making sure I was up by 2:30 and drove off to Jamestown, for an appointment with the local dermatologist but I stopped at the Prenderghast Library before, picking up a couple of books.  My appointment went well, as he froze a number of areas, none dangerous.  And we talked about cross country skiing; he recommended a place just inside the Pennsylvania line called the Wilderness Lodge.  It's a cross country ski area, with rooms to stay overnight as well as a restaurant and a bar.  It's adjacent to Peak and Peek, and there is a fee of 17 bucks to cross country ski their woods.  It sounds like a neat place.  Doctors and I seem to always have something in common to talk about, ignoring for the most part, the reason I am there.

I was home just after 4:00 and Evie was back to working on the photo book, having first put together our Indian dinner.  She worked on it through wine time and took time off while we ate, a tasty and easy dinner, with rice and naan.  We then watched a series we started a couple of months ago but forgot about called DICTE, set in Denmark, as we follow a woman crime reporter.  We like it and like the fact that there are subtitles; we won't have to worry about understanding an English accent.  After finishing two episodes, Evie decided to order the book, had some trouble with finalizing it and ending up talking to a very helpful but foreign Shutterfly person and finally was able to order the book.'s done for another year.  We then watched some of Hillary and Trump's responses to their overwhelming victories and that was enough politics for the night.  It's beginning to feel like every Tuesday evening is like Groundhog's Day.  I could not wait to get up to  bed and read.  I finished Philip Kerr's PRAGUE FATALE, loved it and started John O'Hara's, APPOINTMENT IN SAMARRA, something quite different from the Bernie Gunther novels.

It's after 9:00 and Evie and I just returned from kayaking over to Long Point, skimming it's shoreline to the Marina and back to Chestnut Hill and home, a great way to start the morning.

Another Photo Of Long Point, The Lake, From Yesterday Morning

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