Sunday, September 13, 2015

Listen To The Rhythm Of The Falling Rain (Infinity Visual And Performing Arts)

It's a dramatic overcast morning, with a long, low slash of light just above the tree line.  It's a chilly 50º at 8:15 and I have been up since before 7:00.  The fishing boats next door were out early but for now, the lake looks empty, a slate gray rock, surrounded by the green line of trees.

Yesterday was the quintessential rainy day here at the lake, lots of drizzle, stop and starts and mostly overcast, with the sun hidden behind clouds.  We loved it especially Evie who got her mojo back, her fall/winter busyness and I was the main beneficiary.  First, she made Madhur Jaffrey's Indian flavored cauliflower soup for my lunches.  Yum.  Then, she pulled some portobellos out of the refrigerator, roasted them, getting them ready for the garlic spinach and tomatoes for tonight's dinner.  When she was done, she was looking for something else to do so I made a simple suggestion: 'We haven't had any cookies since May when the warm weather arrived."  Like magic, she got out the mixer, the chocolate chips, the flour and by 4:00, I was sitting happily in the living room, munching on a warm chocolate chip cookie.  What a woman!

Cross Country Meet
Happy Winning Girls

The Ubiquitous Yellow School Buses
And what  else did we do all day.  Not much other than the trip to the Transfer station for me and around 10:00, just before it started to rain, Evie and I paddled over to Long Point, realized there was a cross country meet going on at the park, so we beached our kayaks at the marina and walked around the busy park, filled with both guys and gals, in their school colors, sitting under canopies emblazoned with their school names, as others stood, cheering on the various runners.  We have been to these before and enjoyed them but we did not stay long because we were not prepared weather wise to stand around in the chill and drizzle.  We were home by noon so Evie could get busy!

Around 6:00, the McClures picked us up and we went downtown to eat and participate in the Infinity Local Music Showcase, which we have attended for the past couple of years.  Local bands donate their time and local restaurants, bars, and other venues open their doors for the bands and their followers.  For 15 bucks, you get a wrist band and get entrance to any venue, any band, starting at 6:00, ending at midnight.

Evie (my) Joy, At Taco Hut (editor's note:  corny!)
We first ate dinner at Taco Hut, the local Mexican haunt, which we like.  We then walked to various venues in the drizzle unfortunately, which kept the number of participants down.  We got to a garage and its band just as they were finishing, so we walked across the street to Mojo's, the best band bar in town and waited for the band Wild Card to set up and play.  They were fairly good, older guys and gals, rocking out to the blues and recognizable rock tunes.

New Sign!
Ron and Linda Ready To Rock At Mojo's
We then stopped in a couple of other venues to sample the sounds and ended up at Brazil's Micro Brew and Wine Bar, one of our favorites, where a single guitar player was entertaining the crowd.  We ordered something different, a draft cream ale, sat down and spent about forty five minutes, listening and talking.  I ran into one of my yoga friends, Loren Mayshark, also a former bartender at  Bellini's at Chautauqua Suites.

We left about 10:00, not young enough anymore to last till midnight.  It was a fun night with friends, good music and supporting a good cause, The Infinity Visual and Performing Arts, a group which supports and encourages young musicians in the area.

A Random Quotation: “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass … It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” Vivian Greene

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