Friday, September 25, 2015

Indian Summer Days - The Parkview, Westfield, New York

A lovely morning on the lake, sunny with a bit of haze, warm for late September, 55º at the moment but will get up to the 70's later in the day and, best of all, it should be this way for the next five days. We will be kayaking in the morning, cruising in the afternoon, squeeze every drop of boating out of these amazing days.

Yesterday was a big day for us, especially Evie, as we got our new car, a Subaru Outback with all the bells and whistles.  We were going to pick it up in the afternoon but Evie could not wait, so we went early.  It was painless...just write a check for what a house would have cost in the 1970's and you have a new car.  Shocking!  Once that was done, once they tantalized us with extras, like maintenance plans for an extra four years or glare free window cover, at a cost of course.  It took the salesman a good hour to walk Evie, with me sitting in the back seat, through all the gadgets, the GPS, the Sirius radio, the Eyesight Assist, so that by the end, I was confused but Evie was catching on.  I was happy to drive our Accord home, so Evie took off for Chautauqua in our new car, a happy gal, music blasting, moon roof open, on cruise control, with pre collision break assist.  Wow.

We returned to another beautiful day on the lake, wasted in a way by our excursion to Erie but we have more great days to come, no doubt.  We did little the rest of the afternoon; I sat down and looked through a virtual bookshelf of booklets and pamphlets on the car, familiarizing myself with all of its warranties, maintenance schedules, and how to manuals.

Dinner At The Parkview in Westfield, NY
At 6:00. we picked up our neighbors, Ken and Marjoie Scholtz in our new Subaru, drove to Katawkwa, just beyond the CI and picked up Charlie Tea because we were going to Westfield to try a new restaurant, at least to us, called The Parkview which, interesting enough, is right next door to one of our favorite restaurants in the area, Brazill's.  We had just had dinner there this past Saturday night to celebrate Evie's birthday.  The Parkview is lovely inside, narrow but fairly deep, with about ten tables.  Our table was waiting for us, with menus and chargers.  Unfortunately, it was a slow night, just one other couple, but we really enjoyed our meal.  One of the  owner's, Ed,  introduced himself, and helped the server, Phillip, with our meals.  We had wine or beer, no hard liquor yet then looked through the great menu, making it hard to decide on a meal.  I had chicken pot pie, highly recommended and Evie and chicken cordon bleu.  Everyone loved their meals, and we liked the atmosphere, simple and restrained, mostly whites on walls and table cloths.   Ed's husband,  David D'Amico, who was working in the kitchen, and his son was our waiter, Phillip, so it's all in the family.  Their chef is a young woman who graduated from a highly thought of culinary institute.  We highly recommend it to anyone who wants a great meal.
Chicken Pot Pie
We made it up safely, as I was nervous driving a new car, by 8:45 after saying aloha to Charlie who will return to Pittsburgh until next summer, after closing down his house early next week.  We watched the penultimate episode of The Fall, a BBC series, and will finish it up tonight.  It's been a long haul, ten episodes, with lots of ups and downs.  Still, I would recommend it.

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