Saturday, September 19, 2015

Early Morning Showers/Happy Birthday Wishes to Evie and Son, Tom

Bass Boats In Rain
No spectacular sunrise this morning, just the steady sounds of rain on the roof, dripping onto the ground and gray skies and lake, once the darkness disappears.  It's 64º out and may rain on and off most of the day, a special day actually because it is both my wife and son Tom's birthday.

Yesterday, at least for me was a waste.  I had a doctor's appointment in Erie at 9:00, so I left about 8:00, got there on time,  and was out of the office by 9: 15.  I had an appointment for an oil change at 11:00 so I had a couple of hours to waste, so I browsed at Dick's, then T. J.'s, picking up a pair of light weight running pants, seemingly talls which are hard to find.  I got a coffee from Starbucks, the first in quite a while and I am always surprised at how busy a Starbucks is, even during working hours.  I wonder who works.  I got to the Honda dealer at 11:00 and was out by 12:30, in time to check on when our new Subaru will arrive at the dealer, just down the street...another week.  I then drove home, stopping at a veggie stand on RT 89 to pick up some Pot Of Gold milk and tomatoes, then drove on to Westfield.  I pulled into the new Mazza wine building's parking lot, and along with seven or eight others, tasted their beverages.  It's no longer just a wine tasting venue, as they now have craft beers and both a bourbon and rye whiskey.  I tasted the rye whiskey for a buck, looked at their wine selection, over priced and probably not very good, and left.  I then stopped at the Westfield Nursery, to see how much a maple tree might cost, about two hundred bucks for a trunk with an inch and a half diameter.  I moved on to Tops in Mayville, to buy some coffee because Evie had texted me to say we were out.  I finally arrived home, exhausted from doing nothing, just as Evie was finishing cutting the lawn.

Sine the Cummins Engine plant is having a free recycling day Saturday  morning, I gathered up items I wanted to  get rid of, like paint, an old computer monitor, tires, and an old air conditioner.  Once that was done and Evie finished the lawn, we both went out to enjoy what might be our last warm day on the dock.  I soon got bored, took off in my kayak to fish, or rather to cast, what I call zen fishing (goalless because I never catch anything), and after casting for 15 minutes, I turned around and the entire northern half of the lake was enveloped by gray clouds.  The wind picked up as well, so I kayaked back.

Kayaing With The Geese
We had planned on a boat cruise, but Evie checked the weather and despite the gray skies, no rain was predicted, so we had a nice cruise to Bemus and back, as the sky began to clear some as well.  We met our neighbors, the Fox's, out cruising as well. They enjoy the lake as much as we do.
Sky While Boating
For dinner, Evie sauteed some chicken thighs, added a Trader Joe's Stir sauce, along with some broccoli, cooked the rice, and we had a really good dinner.  Both of us devoured it, nicely spiced and topped with yogurt.  Almost any stew like this is always better topped with yogurt, something I learned from the Turks who also used yogurt on everything.  We watched two more episodes of The Fall, a BBC production.  It's quite good except for some of the graphic violent scenes which make both of us turn our heads.  Why?  The Greeks knew better, never having any violence occur on stage, as if it was not appropriate or necessary for the play or audience.
Friday Dusk
It's just after 7:00 and there must be a fishing tournament as the bas boats are blasting  past Long Point, from the marina, in the rain, off to catch that fish.

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