Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Back To Our Routine As Our Good Friends Head To Ohio, Sad To Say (Really)

Wings At The Casino With Armontrouts and McClures 
It's 6:40 and I have been up since 6:00, awake at 4:45 for some reason but went back to sleep.  It's a cloudy morning, with streaks of light, of sunshine, off over Long Point, rain predicted later, and warm and humid, 66Âș at the moment.  Evie just came down, for coffee and iPad, our friends are still upstairs sleeping.   They head to Byesville, Ohio, this morning to visit with Vickie's ninety year old cousin before the family reunions begin this weekend.

We were lucky again yesterday with the weather though as the day progressed, it did get warmer and more humid.  I was up early, as usual, and by 8:30 everyone was up, reading on their iPads or computers, de riguer in today's world.  Evie fixed pancakes for breakfast, her usual recipe, but for some reason they did not turn out right...too dense and heavy, not the light and fluffy cakes were are used to...is she losing her touch?  We ate them, in fact, devoured them with the syrup the Trout's brought us from Maine, almost as good as our local maple syrup but we won't complain.
The Guys Crusing
Around 10:30, we took the boat over to Bemus Point and decided to take another trip down nostalgia lane, walking the Lakeside Drive, looking at the homes, wondering who lived in them, how much they cost, whether we could ever afford one, which is what we used to do back in the 1980's when they would visit.  We made it almost to the end but it was so humid we turned back, stopped at the Seezurh House, sat on their front porch, a lovely breeze, and had a couple of beers, even though it was not yet noon.  A radical move but refreshing.
Having A Late Morning Beer at Seezurh House
We were home back 12:30 and Ron and I then drove to Chautauqua Brick, to pick up a few things we needed because my good old buddy, Ron, does not like to sit still, volunteered to help me with the broken slides on our kitchen cabinets.  We then returned home, had lunch, then the two of us worked on three drawers, fixing them in about a half hour, saving my marriage, at least for the summer.

Fixing Kitchen Drawers With My Good Buddy, Trout
The rest of the afternoon we all relaxed, either in the yard  or house because it was too humid, too hot to sit out on the dock.  In fact, three of us took naps, a retirement thing.  I watched a bit of soccer, then we all took showers because we were again, hitting the nostalgia trail, with beers on the Lenhart Porch, then wings at the Casino with, who else, Ron and Linda.  The beers and view were great, but we all agreed the wings at the Casino were mediorce, not what the Armontrout's remembered.  For one thing, they no longer serve them in baskets, but on a square white plate, even if you get a so called bucket.  Plus they were measly little wings, and though the Casino was not crowded, they were not piping hot.  So we all were disappointed, somewhat mitigated by the great table, outside on their porch, overlooking the water and bridge, and a couple pitchers of beer.  After wings, we walked back to the ice cream counter, next to the Seezurh House, for ice cream cones before driving home.
Ladies on the Porch
Old Guys Enjoying An Old Vienna On The Lenhart Porch
We stayed up till about 10:30, talking and listening to old tunes, mostly Johnny Cash and Cat Stevens. Neither one of us had listened to either in quite awhile so it was fun.  And Ron downloaded a Johnny Cash album which he did not yet own, Cash's last album, with a god/sin/death theme.  We even really like it.

Three of us are now, sipping coffee, talking about who has he cutest grandchildren...we agreed we both do, conflict solved!
Ron and Vickie, Our Mainiacs,  Depart

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