Friday, October 7, 2011

Spectacular Day Redux

I was up at 6:00, as usual, to watch the sky turn from black, to orange, to pink, then yellow and white as the sun rose.  It was cold, about 43, though it's supposed to get much warmer today.  I went for a walk, back through the woods behind our house around 7:30 because it was so nice out and discovered a decent path which takes me up through the woods, up to the houses at the top of the road, then winds its way back down to behind Aultz's and Theissen's house.  I love walking in the woods as opposed to roads, and it takes around twenty minutes to make a loop.  And the Kinney's have made a path up on their property, which follows Woodlawn road from just above the bridge up to the top of the road.  They have put wood chips down and it winds its way along the creek, so if I combine the two, add parts of the campground, we have a walk that does not involve driving off somewhere and keeps us in the woods, or in the campground for most of the walk.  I cannot wait to take it when the leaves really turn, when they fall, then when I have to use snow shoes to get around.  We are probably one of the few couples  that are not dreading the coming of winter, snow, and cold.

 We just got back from a two hour kayak ride, as we headed off to Tom's Point, across to Bemus, then we paddle back along Lakeside Drive Road, all the way to the tip of Long Point, then home again home again jiggety jog.  It was windless, a beautiful sunny morning, the trees a kaleidoscope of colors, just perfect for a long paddle.

A Member at Last!

As you can see, we are now members of the Lakewood Rod & Gun Club.  Our name was first put up probably twenty years ago but it was a lottery and we didn't get in.  Things have changed; as long as we anted up the dues, we got our membership within five days.  Along with the membership came the rules, a few of which I will list below:

- Profanity will not be tolerated.
- Children shall not permitted in the Club after 10:00 or seated at the bar at any time.
- Male members will not be served in the dining room after 4:30 pm unless hats or caps are removed.  - -- On Sundays, it is  required that all entering the dining room remove same.
- No one shall be permitted in the club during serving hours dressed in bathing suits or with bare feet,
- All loose articles of clothing are not to be placed on tables or chairs, kindly check same in the cloak room

I wonder if this means I don't have to wear a shirt in the dining room since it is not expressly forbidden? Clearly, a few of younger generations habits piss off the Membership Committee.

I spent an hour getting a license for my boat trailer, something I have been putting off doing but was warned by a friend that the fine is pretty high so I should get it done.  After I got home, we went off for another long boat ride, on a lake as calm as I have ever seen it.  Never in the summer is it this calm, with no breeze and most importantly, few if any boats to make waves.  We are supposed to have at least three more cloudless and warm days like this.  It kind of scares me to think of what's come next, weather wise, to make up for these beautiful days.

1 comment:

  1. Like the new look! And congrats on your membership in the Rod and Gun Club. Sounds right up your alley, haha.


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