Monday, July 11, 2011

Warm and Humid, Still No Rain

A still morning, dew on the ground, about 65 degrees, highs expected in the upper 80's, and I have already watered the lawn.  It's coming in quite well, so both Evie and I are happy.  It will still be a couple of weeks before we can cut it, so Evie will just have to control her temptation to mow.

Lloyd and Vi Buck spent the day with us yesterday.  They arrived around 10:00, as usual, and it was a beautiful day for a visit.  Lloyd has difficulty getting around because of a bad back, so we didn't do a lot of walking, mostly relaxing in the yard, telling tall tales about our basketball prowess, and reliving the good old days when kids were still kids.  We did take a nice boat ride, over to Bemus, along Lake Side Drive, our usual, and it was really comfortable, a nice breeze and not too choppy.  We had lunch outside, hot dogs, cole slaw, broccoli salad, and of  course, some Turkish tea in between.

The girls came up with a great idea, going shopping without Lloyd and me.  We let them take off, we both took a nap while watching the Indians lose on TV, then we went outside and enjoyed the afternoon, waiting for the girls to return.  They had a good time, shopping both in a busy Bemus and Mayville, and Vi, of course, picked up a number of items, as she loves to shop up here.  Evie got some cool tee shirts as well, so it was a successful afternoon.

The Shoppers
For dinner, we usually go to the Seezhurn House, which Vi calls the 'cowboy' house, but I talked them into trying Pine Junction, the new restaurant we found just outside of Findley Lake, in the boonies as it were.  They loved it, great food and atmosphere, and it was closer to their home, so they did not have as far to drive.  We all had burgers of a sort, some beers,  wine for Vi, and ice tea for Lloyd.  We said aloha about 7:30 and both drove home.  I watered the lawn again last night for about an hour as I had not watered it all day, the problem when you have guests.
I started reading Jon Krakauer's UNDER THE BANNER OF HEAVEN, A STUDY OF VIOLENT FAITH, which I am enjoying.  It looks at the crazies who use religion to justify their violent actions, concentrating so far on so of the violent fundamental Mormons.  Most of the book looks closely at the Mormon faith, and so far, it's maddening to read about them. especially a polygamist named John Green, who with 10 wives, maybe 25 children, was able to get over a million dollars from the govt through welfare, to raise his family.  Our govt is nuts some times, the way it gives a way money.  Because he could not marry the wives, they all were unwed mothers, thus qualifying for welfare and other govt goodies.  I must be becoming a  conservative.

Ron and Linda are coming over for baked ziti tonight.  We have not seen them since the 4th of July.

We went for an hour kayak ride early, getting home by 9:00, just as it was becoming warm.  As I write this it's 85 in the shade, probably close to 90 in the sun, and humid.  We both worked in the water gathering more weeds, then I spent some time watering the lawn, my constant, before lunch, and now I have been just relaxing in the shade, reading, waiting to get warm enough to jump in the water again.

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