Monday, July 18, 2011

Hazy Morning, Thunder Storms to Come/Cruise Down Chadakoin

Jamestown livery on Chadakoin
I was up too early, I don't know why, around 5:00, perhaps because it was the first really warm night here at the lake.  The air conditioners will go in today, no doubt, though we hardly ever use them, more noise barriers than cooling.  We went to Linda and Ron's last night for a picnic, burgers, dogs, potato salad and beans.  It felt like summer, for sure, and it was a lovely night to sit outside and eat.  They back to Murraysville today.

Joe Barry called last night and he and Mary Lou are going to stop by today and spend the night, on their way home from New Jersey, where there son Jay lives. We have been trying to get them to stop by on their trip homes and so they will be in today, probably late afternoon, spend the night, then head home to Oxford tomorrow.  It will be fun to get to see them.
Crusin the Chadakoin

On Saturday, we took a long boat ride with the Mc Clures, to the southern end of the lake, then up the Chadakoin River into Jamestown, something we have always wanted to do but never did. We left about 10:00, with coolers and hoagies, and cruised up the west side of the lake, looking at homes and neighborhoods, really getting a feel for how built up this lake is.  There are few green areas left, as homes/cottages line the shoreline.  After Celeron, we entered the mouth of the Chadakoin and we cruised down it for about a half an hour.  It has the feel of the Florida Everglades, though not as jungle like.  There's no development or buildings, just woods and shorelines, lily pads, an occasional  boater, and two 8 man crew boats, practicing their rowing.  It's supposed to be a great place for bird watching, but we really did not notice much.  It was a spectacular day for this kind of trip, as Evie and Linda sat in the two fishing seats in front, as we cruised.  We spent about an hour going up and down the river, then wended our way down the east side of the lake, having lunch, swimming a bit, and enjoying the scenery and ride.  Though it was in the 80's by the  time we returned, about 1:30, we were never really hot on the trip.  This is something we must do again, especially in the fall, when the leaves are turning.

The Good Life

Eight man crew on Chadakoin
Today I hope to put down some grass seed in some of the bare spots, get more dirt, and then pray for rain, but not too much, later in the day.  Thunderstorms are predicted, perhaps heavy, later in the day.  It's been 21 days without rain, so we need it, our lawn needs it, but don't over do it.

Picked up some topsoil this morning at Tri James, came back and spread it over grass seed in some of the bare spots of our lawn, thinking that the predicted rain would really be good for the lawn.  Of course, it's now 3:30, no rain, and little in the forecast, as it passed south of us.  I did go off to the Lighthouse and their peaches are in, as is corn from Northeast, so the abundance of summer is about ready to show its face.  Evie's making chicken picata, rice, corn, ice cream with peaches/blueberries for dinner and for tomorrow's breakfast, she put together Mrs. Snavely's coffee cake.  Let's up Joe and Mary Lou Barry are good eaters!  I know Lou likes her red wine.  Because they are coming, Evie has spent the entire day cleaning the house, which was clean, or so I thought.  Fortunately, it's ten degrees cooler in the house, and we put two air conditioners in the big bedrooms because it's predicted to get into the 90's in the next couple of days.

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