Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday Morning Quiet

Not much action on the lake, little noise except for a few chattering birds, an occasional duck, and no boats to speak of.  It looks like another beautiful, rain free day on the lake, not too hot either, though it sounds like the weekend could go into the 90's, which is unusual for this part of New York state.

Shooting Hoops at Bemus Park
We have no plans for the day, the joy of not working I suppose, but there is always something to do, regardless, whether inside or outside your home.  Once Evie gets up, I would like to go kayaking, as the lake is amazingly calm, and it would be a great morning to explore.  I did read in the newspaper that tomorrow is a full moon, rising at 9:01, and some kayakers are meeting to go out about that hour.  It would be fun but kayaking on the lake at night without a light could be dangerous, though if you stayed in close to shore, say within 30 or 30 feet of a dock, it would be fine. I would like to try to work something out, like paddle to the Swedish Club, from 8:30 to 9:30, put the kayaks on the car, which we had dropped off there earlier in the day, have a beer, then drive home.  Let's see if we can overcome the inertia to just stay put.

A big morning as the weed cutters finally came by, cut the weeds out in front of our dock for perhaps 40 feet or so, as they were peaking through the top of the water.  They are coming back tomorrow to finish things supposedly, so we will  have to see what kind of a job they did.  I picked up more gravel this morning, too, for my parking space, so hopefully now, if he rains (ever), there won't be puddles.  So far, it's been another peachy day, 76 outside, sunny with a nice breeze, perfect for sunning on the dock and reading a book.

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