Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday Sun Day



It's later than usual, 8:30 because I got up late. I knew I had a bad night so I tried to stay in bed and get more sleep. Also, there must be a fishing tournament because the roar of the boats seemed to go on forever.  Since yesterday, I have been fighting an annoying cough, and fatigue but no fever. So it kept me up a good part of the night. I decided to get in a short 35-minute paddle, hoping it would make me feel better and photographing two herons did it.

Kayak Morning

Cloudless Northern Sky

Heron # 1


Friday was typical, with my getting in a paddle, then off to yoga. It's obviously not a very popular day because I was the only one in class. I was tired but thought yoga would perk me up but I started coughing for the first time in class and it got worse during the day. After class, I stopped at TJ's because I needed a new wallet and picked one up for 13 bucks along with some Lucky Brandy undies and a shot glass, a productive stop. I also stopped at Sav A Lot and picked up pork ribs and milk before heading home.

When I returned our electric lawn mower was sitting in the yard and a disgruntled wife was in the house because the lawn mower kept stopping for no reason and has done so the past couple of weeks. So we will be taking it to Buffalo, an hour and forty-five minute drive, to the only Ryobi service station around. 

Evie made me quesadillas with cheese, hot sauce, and avocado, messy but delicious. After my show, I hoped to take a good long nap because I had a bad night but to no avail. So I spent most of the afternoon reading, enjoying the sun in our side yard, until it was wine time and Evie had finished cutting the lawn with our trusty Honda gas mower. 

Once again, we had walleye for dinner and tabbouleh; it was even sweeter and better than the night before. Interestingly, I talked with my barista yesterday, and she said her husband also brought walleye for dinner. The difference was the dinner cost them 250 bucks because of her husband's fishing charter. Pretty funny. We watched some junk TV until the Indiana Fever game on Ion. Once again, Catilin Clark struggled and the team lost by a few points.

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