6:14 |
It's still foggy as I start my blog at 8:20. I was up at 5:30, a beautiful morning although overcast, not a ripple on the lake as I started out for a paddle. Off to the north, however, I could see the fog moving in, and although it's not thick, it still muddles my long-distance photos. I was out for an hour, caught a couple of herons along the shore and in the trees but missed an eagle, which flew by as I approached.
Kayak Morning |
Kathy and Medio Out For A Paddle |
A Hung Over Heron |
We had a surprisingly good morning despite the roar of the various machines in our kitchen, filling the downstairs. I was up early and waited almost two hours for someone to come down and join me. Finally, at 8:00, all three came down to enjoy their coffee with me out on the porch. The difference in temperature between the house and porch was at least 20º. Fortunately, it was pleasant out on the porch as well as in the yard so we could eat our breakfast outside.
2014 |
Breakfast With My Sister, Linda, and Her Husband Rich |
Evie made one of Rich's favorites, grits with sausage and chilies, mine also. With a couple of eggs, melon, and bagels, we were happy to be up and enjoying the morning. As it started to warm up, we decided to go for a cruise and it was a good idea. We boated over to Bemus, along the Lakeside Drive, then down to Maple Springs and home. While we were out, our granddaughter Marisa, a freshman at Vanderbilt, called Evie to her delight and filled her in on her first few days and school. She's doing well. We were home just before noon and Linda and Rich were ready to head home so we said our goodbyes, vowed to see each other more often, and we were once again alone in our noisy house. Yuck. I was surprised at how much fun we had despite the hassle of the noise and machines.
I had some of the zucchini soup for lunch, then took a nap upstairs in an air-conditioned bedroom. Evie stayed on the porch and started one of the hot summer beach reads, Malibu Rising. After my nap, I decided the only cool place was the dock, with a dip in the lake whenever I became too hot, So I stayed out there for much of the afternoon, reading under our umbrella. Evie joined me around 5:00 and we had a glass of wine on the dock as a breeze picked up, making it nice to be there.
Around 7:00, we were able to ensconce ourselves in the TV room. The first time we tried turning on the TV room air conditioner, the breaker went off. So we moved one of the electric cords to another outlet and we were able to watch TV, enjoy our dinner of moussaka and a salad, in a comfortable room. We watched some of the reporting of the tragic news from Afghanistan, then two more episodes of Atlantic Crossing predictable but entertaining.