Monday, September 16, 2024

Another Stellar Lake Morning


It's 7:53, sunny, and we are sitting on our couches, with coffee, of course, thinking about our day. Mine is easy, take it easy because I still feel terrible from COVID-19. Evie, however, is driving into Erie for testing at St. Vincent, a forty-five-minute drive. I read that light exercise if you have Covid can be beneficial so I went out for a short, 20 minute paddle and was rewarded with shots of an eagle and heron. 

Kayak Morning

Victoria Bald Eagle

Woodlawn Heron

Yesterday was not much of a day. I will be brief. No kayaking, lying around reading and around 10:30 I went to bed and slept for a good hour.  When  I woke, Evie made me scrambled eggs and toast for lunch and I then watched some NFL games before going back upstairs to read and nap. I did finish my book, The Peacock And The Sparrow and started a new Will Trent thriller, Fallen. 

Around 3:00, I took another positive covid test, unlike the previous test on Saturday. Because it was at least a year or two old, Evie decided to drive to Mayville and buy more tests. When she returned, I tested positive again so we were now sure I have Covid 19.

We had dinner at 6:00, a salad for Evie and chicken soup, and a bagel with cream cheese and tomato for me. We watched Caitin Clark score 35 points in her final game of the season on  TV until 9:15, then both of us went up to bed.

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