7:31 |
8:04 |
It's 8:50 as I start this and it's still gray out with an occasional drizzle. I paddled for a half-hour, over to Long Point and back to Victoria and home, The weather fulfilled TD's Kayaking Law which states when you start to head back home, either it starts to rain or the wind picks up. This time it started to rain. We are both sitting in the living room, waiting for the floor guys to arrive and the final two coats of polyurethane on the floor.
Kayak Morning |
Northern Sly |
We had to plan yesterday around the staining of our floor, so once I paddled, had breakfast, and wrote the blog, we decided to get out of Dodge, avoid the fumes of the stain, and drove to Chautauqua Institution for a walk. It's becoming our go-to walk because it's close and always an interesting walk, the front yards changing with the seasons. When we returned, the guys were gone, the stain on, and two huge fans were drying the floor. We relaxed in the living room for a bit, having some leftover pizza for lunch.
Thunder Bridge |
Hall Of Philosophy |
Porches In The Fall |
Around 12:45, we escaped the house and drove to Lakewood to see the new James Bond film, No Time To Die. It was recommended by friends so we were looking forward to it. We settled in our seats with a large popcorn and coke and five other people to watch the matinee. We were ready to be entertained but ended up bored and tired, as I kept falling asleep and Evie would occasionallyniudge me. I guess it was just not our kind of film, a complicated plot about a stolen DNA virus, lots of exciting (if you like that kind of thing) action and chase scenes. There was a love interest, lots of exotic places like Norway, Jamaica, Italy, and London to name a few, the best part of the movie. Bond finally kills the villain, Safin (played by Rami Malek) after a ridiculous but Bond-like shootout where he kills maybe 50 bodyguards before saving the world and his daughter and (spoiler alert) dying. We had little interest in the characters, as none were developed and worst of all, the sound in the theater was bad so we missed much of the dialogue although we hardly cared. O, well, it was only two hours and forty-seven minutes of our lives.
Crappy And Cheap |
We then wanted to waste some time and let the second coat of stain dry thoroughly so we stopped at the new Ollies store, cheap and good as advertised and it was the grand opening. Well, if you want to buy junk cheap, this is the place for you. It's taken the place at our Mall of Bon Ton, Sears, and J. C. Penney, typical for small town malls, We then stopped Walmart, looking for a phone case for Evie but they did not have the one she wanted. but we bought a few veggies for a pulled pork recipe we are making this weekend when the kitchen becomes available.
We were home by 5:30, able to walk on our new floor in socks and got ready to go out to eat. We decided to go to the Seezurh House, our favorite go to place over the years and we had not been to it in quite a while because of Covid. We found a table in the noisy bar, filled with loud mouths, but safely distanced from other tables, and waited for a good 15 minute before a waitress dropped a couple of menus on our table but did not ask for drink orders. So I walked up to the bar and got a couple of beers, as we waited for the waitress to return and take our orders. We then waited good half hour, watching a couple of guys who sat down the same time we did finish their dinner. When we asked the waitress about our dinner, she said we were still third in line so I got up, paid for the beers and we left.
We drove to our other favorite bar (we have lots of them), Steeners Pub, found a seat at the bar, ordered a fish fry for me, double fries for Evie and we were finally happy. Our dinner came within ten minutes and we talked with a guy who plays guitar in a local band and Jeff, a regular, who we have met a bars many times over the past twenty years. Evie likes him because he told her once, obviously drunk, that she was "the most beautiful woman he has ever seen." Our dinners were great and the restaurant was busy with people coming and going. It was a good choice. We didn't get home until 8:15 in time to watch the final episode of Nine Perfect Stangers, finally, and another Jeopardy episode to end the evening.
And the best part of the day, our friend Linda texted to say that Rite Aid was offering the Moderna booster so we were able to sign up and get our shots tomorrow, Sunday, at noon. Yippee!