Monday, September 9, 2024

A Light Drizzle, Dark Sky, Slash Of Light





It's 7:11 and I have been up for an hour, to drizzle as I got up, then a few minutes ago, the sun peaked out from the dark sky but is now hidden behind a curtain of dark gray. It's warmer today, 56º and it looks like it will warm up during the week. Right now, all is gray, sky and lake. It'ss 9:30 and I was out for an hour and twenty minutes, over to Tom's Point and back along the lakeshore, on a basically empty lake except for the ducks and Canadian Geese.

Kayak Morning

Northern Gray


Sandy Bottom Heron


Sunday was, I hate to admit, a day of being Joey Bimbo, sitting in front of the TV and watching football. Fortunately, I got in a good paddle early, and then, after breakfast, we decided to go for a walk around the Chautauqua Institution, our typical Sunday routine. It was cool in the shade, hot in the sun but we managed to walk a couple of miles on a sunny day. Things have calmed down so 90% of the summer residents have headed home. It's our favorite time of the year to walk, the gardens still lush, the paths quiet. 

Thunder Bridge

CI Lake Walk

Bestor Plaza

Shady Brick Walk

We were home by noon and by 12:30, I was enjoying my breakfast, scrambled eggs and toast, watching the pregame pundits discussing the upcoming games. Instead of watching the Buffalo/Arizona game live, I recorded it, napped, and read for a good hour.  I then watched the game, racing through commercials, as the Bills had a terrible first half but came back to win in the closing minutes because of their quarterback, Josh Allen.  Around 4:00, the Browns/Cowboys game started as the doorbell rang, and our neighbor's grandchildren stopped by to play with Evie. 

Arlo, The Builder

While they played, I watched the Browns until our neighbors, Debi and Bud called and invited us for hot dogs, brats, and beans for dinner. So we went over to their house to enjoy their company before they leave for three weeks in  Ireland and Scotland. We ate with the boys, their parents, and grandparents on their new gazebo-like front porch. Both families were heading up to Cleveland so we left for home around 5:30, as they had to pack and get ready to head home. 

Once we returned home, we watched CBS Sunday Morning instead of football, then Real Time With Bill Maher, both good choices. Around 8:00, we snacked and Evie finished the leftovers from our Saturday night's dinner and made me tomato and mayo sandwiches on sourdough bread. Yum. Evie then went up to bed early and I watched more football, the Lions/Rams until I could not stand another minute of football and went up to bed, tired out from watching TV.

Great Grandson Fix

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