Friday, September 6, 2024

Partly Cloudy And A Breezy 57º and 81!





I was up at 6:40 to see the sunrise around 7:00. It's a surprisingly breezy morning from the south, the lake surface ruffled and a few bass boats are already out. It's 9:20 and I paddled for forty minutes on a windy morning and photographed not only an osprey and heron but also a hawk. 

Kayak Morning



Wood Duck

Another Hawk

Great Blue Heron

Thursday was a fun day for both of us. It started with a 50-minute paddle and a couple of photographs of eagles. By 9:30, the blog was written, breakfast was eaten, and Evie was ready to drive to her kindergarten class in Lakewood, and I drove to a Yin Yoga class in Lakewood. It's my first yoga class in a week and a very popular one. I was one of two guys in a class of 20. After class, I raced through Wegmans for a few goodies and Evans for wine before coming home. Lunch was a leftover Slovenian sausage and potato salad and I watched the second half of the Indiana Fever game. 

I am reading my Gray Man book called Target, a thriller but I still fell asleep despite the thrill.  Evie returned home around 2:00, exhilarated from her four hours with kindergarteners. We had a short hiatus before driving off at 4:00 to Lakewood for wings and things at Tom and Janes's outdoor patio. It was a beautiful afternoon for the eight of us, the breakfast club and wives. Evie brought bruschetta which went well with the wings so it was a good way to spend the late afternoon.  We reminisced and laughed until 6:00 when we headed home, happy and full. 

Wing Night On The Patio

We did not do much the rest of the evening, either reading or watching some TV. The news was all about the terrible shooting in Georgia and the arrest of the father. Colbert was his usual humorous self but the main event was the Chiefs game at 8:40. I stayed up and watched the first half and will watch the second half today during lunch. Spoiler alert, the Chiefs won 27-20 on a controversial call. 

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