7:18 |
7:30 |
I slept in, a minute, until 5:39. An inch layer of snow covers the ground, our car, the roofs, as the whiteness of winter returns. It's colder, 28º, and the weather prognosticators say we are to get 3-5 inches of snow during the day. We will see.
I forgot to mention that yesterday morning, around 7:00, I heard a huge thud outside. I got up quickly and looked around our house to see if something had fallen but could not see anything. Later in the morning, however, Evie noticed the cause. A tree in our neighbors' front yard fell into the lake, causing no damage fortunately. Evie called them to let them know and there's no hurry or need to get rid of it until it warms up some.
Also, yesterday we finally did get some snowflakes but it was too warm for it to stick, so the roads were just wet much of the day. It did not discourage either of us from our yoga or workout. I left around 9:30, got home at 11:30, with no stops for groceries, coffee or money, just gas and brief stop at the village office, to drop off my real estate tax. Yuck. Not much was going on at home, as Evie had outdone herself on Wednesday, making the lasagna and pie, so for her, Thursday was a day of what I like to call 'large leisure.' She did have enough mojo to put together a new soup, of carrots and cauliflower, coriander, and lemon. Her mojo drained, she contemplated bagging her workout.
Her better angels, however, took over and she drove to Lakewood and worked out for an hour and came home in a much better mood than when she left.
While Evie was gone, I was having a bowl of her soup and a great 'tost' sandwich made with a cheese we loved in Turkey called Kashkaval which we bought at Cleveland's West Side market on Friday. I had my customary afternoon, of watching a show, Wallander, then reading and taking a nap, waking just about the time Evie returned from the YMCA.
Around 4:30, Evie gave me a good shearing, my once a fortnight hair cut. I always feel like a young boy afterwards, as I look in the mirror. We both then got dressed up because we were going to dinner at Ye Hare 'n Hounds, a place that used to be one of the best restaurants around but it seemed to have lost its touch. In fact, the last time we went, with my parents and sister and brother in law, we had an all time terrible meal, almost inedible main courses and a waitress who had no idea what she was doing, thus, a ten year hiatus. It's been for sale for a couple of years and we wanted to try it once more before it is sold or closes. We figured if the meals were bad, at least the Hounds had a great, tremendous, phenomenal, beautiful ambiance.
Enjoying A Night Out At Ye Hare 'n Hounds |
So Linda and Ron picked us up at 6:15 and we had reservations at 6:30. It was kind of funny when we entered and said we had reservations because there was only one occupied table of four in the entire restaurant. We decided to sit in the bar and people slowly dribbled in during our meal. And the four of us were pleasantly surprised, with the fine service, the cosiness, and the food. All four of our meals were great, three had chicken Gorgonzola over pasta and I had tasty seafood pasta, with shrimp, scallops and langustinos. By the time we left, four or five tables were busy. We will go back and the bar really looks inviting with a Small Bites menu.
We were home around 8:45, in time to watch one more episode of NOBEL before going up to bed to read and sleep.