Monday, September 2, 2024

Chillin On A 53º And Sunny Morning



Woke at 7:00 to the sun and cool, welcoming morning.  It's hard to believe it's Labor Day, a harbinger of fall. It feels like June was just a few days ago. It's 9:00 and because of the heavy northern winds, I paddled north into the wind for ten minutes, then floated back home for five minutes. 

A Windy Kayak Morning

Into The Sun

Sunday was typical for us even though it was Labor Day weekend. I got in a good paddle, of course, and then relaxed with my breakfast, granola and yogurt topped with peaches, the best. We were in no hurry to get our morning started but by 10:45, we were off to walk the Chautauqua Institution. It was a fine day for a walk and many others had the same idea as it was as busy as I have seen it once the season is over. I assume many stayed for the Labor Day weekend before heading home for their kids school. We passed two adorable little girls on bikes and I gave the one a thumbs up and clapped. Ten minutes later they returned to give me flowers for noticing them.

A Couple Of Cuties

We also ran into our neighbors, Jim and Barb, also out for a Sunday walk. We were out for maybe an hour, having walked to Bestor Plaza, along some of the side streets with their wonderful front yard gardens. And, as I said, it was a busy place. On the way home, we stopped at the Lighthouse Grocery for a pound of ground chuck for our burger dinner. 

A Sunday Walk Around The CI

Thunder Bridge

We were home by 12:30 and Evie made me lunch, scrambled eggs and a bagel, just right after my yogurt and peaches at 9:00. The rest of the afternoon was typical when we don't have company or have to go somewhere and it went quickly. Evie read on the front porch and I napped and read on the couch until 4:30 when I watched Caitlin Clark and the Indiana Fever play Dallas. I watched the first half then joined Evie for wine time on the front porch. 

Threatening Sky At 5:15 PM

Around 6:30, Evie fried the burgers and cooked three ears of corn in the microwave and that was dinner. The burgers were just what we wanted and the corn was the best, typical local Chautauqua corn. We watched the second half of the Indiana Fever game, marveling at the overall game of Caitlin Clark with 28 points and 12 assists, and the shooting of  Ohio State's Kelsey Mitchell with 38 points. We ended the night with lots of laughs watching Real Time With Bill Maher. 

Photo Of Me Taking A Photo At 5:15

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