Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Dark Skies, Thunderstorms, A Rainy Morning

Another Selfie 
It's 7:00 and dark and wet and I am getting tired of this weather, both on our trip West, our days in KC and now here in Texas.  Supposedly, and I use that word with caution, the sun may come out tomorrow. 

Yesterday it was back to routine, only I was in Dallas, not the lake.  I was up at 5:45, reading the news on my new MacBook Air, listening to Morning Joe, writing my blog, waiting for the family to get up.  It's always difficult in a new house, finding your way around, both in the kitchen and on the TV.  Both, for me, are slow learning curves so it takes lots of coaching and repetition by both Beth and Marisa for me to become comfortable with both,  Soon, I will be able to find where Beth keeps the coffee, how to find Netflix on the TV as well as how to turn TV on and off. 

Back To Class
At 9:00, Beth drove us to her Satya Yoga Studio in pouring rain, about 20 minutes from her home.  It's a studio where she is taking yoga training on one weekend a month, so she will get in her 200 hours of training and be certified to teach.  The studio is located in a strip mall, not quite the beauty of Studio Panterra in Westfield, set in the woods, next to a creek.  It was a busy place, two classes going on at the same time.  About 15 of us spent an hour in a fast-paced flow class, more rigorous and quick than I am used to but I hung in there and was mostly able to keep up.  We drove home in more rain, getting home around 10:30, 

Beth had two appointments for Marisa, one at 11:30 where she was getting her hair cut, the other at 1:30 with an orthopedist because she has been having trouble with her back.  Evie, Cody and I, then, were home alone, left to our devices and because of the weather, we did not venture out except for walking the dog and, mid-afternoon, a walk to the Highland Parks Village shops uptown, to perhaps the most expensive shopping area in the US.  We were hesitant to step inside a Tom Ford, Alexander Mc Queen or Cartier, even Starbucks!

A Dog And His Man
For lunch, I finished up the lasagna, watched some TV with Evie, then read and napped until Beth and Marisa called, wondering if we might want a Chick-fil-A for lunch.  They were stopping after Marisa's appointment. Since we had lunch, we declined and waited for them to get home. We then relaxed the rest of the afternoon, watching some basketball, the news, bugging Marisa about her school, her favorite movies, and shows.  She was not very forthcoming.  Surprise.

Dinner was a Beth specialty, sheet pan chicken, with assorted potatoes, topped by chicken thighs, baked in the oven.  With a salad, we had a delicious dinner.  The potatoes and chicken thighs were done to perfection, tasty and tender and done, as Marisa commented, directed at her Granny.  We then spent the evening in the living room, channel surfing, looking for something to watch and ended up watching some basketball, some cabin building, one set in southern Ohio, near Athens where I went to college.  We ended up going to bed by 10:30 looking forward to what tomorrow brings. 
Cody Boy

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