Mitch |
Marisa |
Tyler |
It's almost 7:00 and I am comfortably ensconced on the couch, Cody at my feet, Morning Joe on the TV, coffee in hand. It looks like another sunny day in Dallas. I think I could get used to this.
Yesterday was not our usual Sunday, with no CBS Sunday Morning, no big breakfast, just a house full of grandchildren sleeping in until almost noon. We love it. I had my usual weekday breakfast, granola, blueberries, and yogurt although lately I have been enjoying whole milk plain yogurt, thick and rich, almost pudding-like. Yum. The grandkids were up before noon and Tyler decided to get in a run on the Katy Trail, a three-mile asphalt trail that leads to downtown Dallas. He came home, unfortunately, with a sore back, probably because he was breaking in a new pair of running shoes.
Long Legs |
Evie and I decided to get out of the house because it was so nice and drove up to Trader Joe's and did some light shopping for things we wanted to take back to the lake. It's fun just to browse Trader Joe's even if we don't buy much. We then stopped at local sportswear store called Tylers, where just about everything is top of the line and expensive. I passed on all the cool tee shirts, jams, and jackets but Evie bought a pair of cool shades. When we returned home, Tyler was back from his run and I was hungry so I heated up the leftover salmon and vodka pasta for lunch. Beth made breakfast for the kids, omelets with various goodies, depending on their whims.
We then hung out most of the afternoon, watching some basketball but mostly sunning out on the patio by the pool. It was almost too hot in the sun. Evie and I did get in a walk around the neighborhood, admiring all the distinctive houses before it was time for Margaritas by Beth and two of our favorite cheeses, Castello, a brie with blue cheese and Saint Andre. We sat out with the three kids, enjoying the patio, listening to music, much of it composed by Tyler. He's getting really good at mixing his guitar with a synthesizer.
Siblings |
We were having another favorite family dinner, this time one we first enjoyed when we lived in Honolulu, teriyaki steak, rice, and salad. We used to be able to get it as a plate lunch at Kenny Kaneshiro's Jolly Rodger Drive-In, Hawaii's answer to Mc Donalds. Friday at Costco, we bought a rib roast, sliced it about a quarter of an inch thick, marinated it in a homemade teriyaki sauce and flash grilled the steaks, probably a minute or two a side. Everyone helped with dinner, Mitch and I did the streaks, Marisa and Evie the salad, Tyler and Beth the rice and roasted asparagus. As is our wont, we had a mountain of teriyaki steak, enough by the end for another meal or two and most of us went back for seconds, even thirds.
A Hawaiian Dinner |
After dinner, Tyler looked for a movie we might all enjoy and settled on DOUBT, with Meryl Streep and Phillip Seymour Hoffman. It was a play on Broadway first, then made into a powerful film about a priest accused with little evidence of abuse of a young black child. If you have not watched it, it's worth seeing. We paused halfway through for dessert, blueberry pie, and ice cream. We finished with the film at 10:30, most agreeing the Priest was guilty, especially in light of all the Catholic priests accused of sexual misconduct over the past ten years.
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