Saturday, March 23, 2019

A Day At The Modern Art Museum Of Fort Worth

A Good Way To Enjoy The Day

At the Art Museum 
It's 8:15 and Beth and I have been up since 7:00, talking about her courses that start Monday, the beginning of a Masters Degree In Education from Southern Methodist University, just 10 minutes away.  It's exciting but also daunting for her to begin school again.

Yesterday was another busy but fun day.  Beth had her usual non-stop day, teaching her ESL class, then going to art class after lunch to finish for a make-up session.  Marisa, the poor girl, was up late, studying for two tests and turning in annotations for English.  Evie and I decided then since the house was going to be empty and I could tape all the basketball games, to drive an hour to Fort Worth, to visit the Modern Museum Of Art, highly recommended as a must see in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. 

Evie's Favorite, Winter Writing by Sylvia Plimack Mangold
Driving, at least for me, always takes some getting used to in Dallas, with its five or six lanes of traffic, always busy and amazing cloverleafs every ten to fifteen miles.  After driving in Chautauqua, this is like traveling in a new world.  The drive, however, both to Fort Worth and back was pretty easy, as we avoided rush hour although, to us, traffic always seems like a rush hour. 

Andy Warhol
We were fortunate to find a parking space in front of the museum even though entrance was free on Fridays.  The museum dates back to 1892 but its current modernist building opened in 2002 in the Cultural District.  We then spent a good hour and a half browsing, taking our time and photographing the works we really liked.  We did not recognize most of the artists with the exception of a Picasso, a Hockney, a couple of Warhols and Jackson Pollock. 

Picasso's Reclining Woman Reading
An Early David Hockney
The galleries were not crowded so we had them to ourselves most of the time.  Around 1:00, we sat down and had lunch in their lovely cafeteria overlooking a pool of water.  I ordered red chiles tacos and Evie had a chicken and coconut soup, both quite good.  Waze took us home a different way, probably because of traffic but we were home in an hour.

KAWS, Clean Slate, Bronze, 21 feet tall, 12,000 lbs.

Evie Stepping Up
Artsy Photo (?)
When we returned home, I was expecting a call from a Turkish journalist who wanted to interview me for an article about my experiences playing in the old arena called the Spor Sergi Saray.  So we spent the afternoon, watching basketball or the news, waiting for Marisa and Beth to get home.  I finally decided he wasn't going to call around 5:30 and took Cody for a walk.  Of course, he called then so when I got back, I messaged him and he called me at 1:00 in the morning, Turkish time. We talked about my experiences for maybe 15 minutes before he felt he had enough information and promised to send me the article, hopefully, translated.

We ordered pizza for dinner, too much of course, but the leftovers will be good for lunch.  Marisa was in a great mood, ready to be annoying now that she had a weekend ahead of her.  What a difference it makes to have some free time.  I admire her seriousness and hard work, her work ethic which will eventually pay off.  We ate pizza in front of the TV, watching a few episodes of The Office and some basketball but paying little attention to it as we mostly talked until 10:00 when we tired and went up to bed. 

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