7:09 |
Porch Hydrangeas |
It's strange to wake up with some light in our bedroom. I know that it's ok to get up then. This time I slept in until 6:30 before coming down to make the coffee (Evie!), get the paper and turn on MSNBC and begin my last 36 hours of anxiety.
Foggy Morning |
Kayaking To The Fog |
Yesterday was another, what else, spectacular fall day. It even prompted Evie to say maybe this global warming isn't so bad. We have had an amazing fall, sunny days, star filled nights and awesome leaf peeping. It's just beginning to change, however, as the colors of fall have given away to a constant brown and this morning, I woke up to 32º, a harbinger of what's to come. I couldn't pass up a kayak paddle yesterday morning, as the lake near Long Point was mostly obscured by fog. By the time I paddled over, it lifted somewhat and I joined three boats that were anchored there, fishing for walleye. As I paddled back to Wells Bay, the sun had burned off the fog and another sunny day opened up before me. Paddling is always a good way to start the day, like a walk in the woods, a climb up a small mountain, anything outside in the world of nature.
An Autumn Morning Paddle |
When I got back, Evie was ready to walk the Chautauqua Institution, so I got out my cool yuppie work vest and off we went. We both agree that fall is the best time of the year to walk the CI, mostly because of the fall colors, especially the various trees, the burning bushes, the yellowing hostas and the fall blooming dahlias. And it did not hurt that it was a sunny day.
Brilliant Fire Red |
Late Autumn Cosmos |
We took our time, taking photos when a certain view grabbed us, usually of a colorful leaf strewn street. And as we were peering into the vast hole that was once the Amphitheater, we ran into another couple, good friends from the CI, who also were enjoying a walk. Our talk eventually turned to the election and we spent 15 minutes trying to assure each other that Trump could not win. Neither of us left feeling much better about Tuesday.
The Start Of A New Amphitheater |
When we got home it was time for a big breakfast, so Evie got quickly to work, frying bacon and eggs, making potato pancakes, toasting the bread. And soon, we were ensconced in front of our TV, watching our favorite show, CBS Sunday Morning, now hosted by Jane Pauley. It was not up to its usual excellence and variety, as the stories may have been taken over by the importance of this year's election. We then took it easy, watching some football until about 2:30 when we both went outside, somewhat reluctantly, to tackle the overgrown garden, pulling what we thought were weeds and planting the Pee Gee Hydrangea tree and a couple of lilac bushes, leaving the rest for today. It was surprisingly hard work, as we filled two pails with weeds and dead plants and digging holes for the plants.
Late Afternoon Colors |
We had had enough by 5:00 and went in and relaxed with a glass of wine until Evie heated up dinner, leftover koftes, with pita and tomato sauce. We watched a dated election movie, THE CANDIDATE, made in 1971, starring Robert Redford. It was most fun to see the way people dressed in the seventies. Afterwards, we watched a film UNDECIDED. I had heard the two film makers interviewed on Pop Culture Happy Hour and thought it might be worth watching. If you have an hour and a half to waste and want to laugh, this film might be for you. Two losers follow the presidential contenders, and end up confronting them at rallies, asking silly questions or creating a comical disturbance. They manifest extraordinary chutzpah which gives the film it's edge. It's on Netflix if you want to watch it.
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