7:10 |
8:24 |
I was up at 6:20, no striking sky, no super moon, just a vast canvas of gray, sky and lake and a chilly 37º. No hikes or mulching today as we have to get the house trip-ready, as we head to Kansas City to spend Thanksgiving with my son Tom and his family. Of course, we also get to spend a night in Effingham, our favorite stop/city in Illinois.
I decided to forego yoga yesterday and help Evie get our house and yard organized, so we could enjoy our trip knowing both were tidy, ready for winter, the snow that supposedly is coming this weekend. First, we had to wait for Vic, our talkative electrician to come and change the socket for our stove so it could be pushed closer to the wall. He's one of these guys who it's hard to get rid of because he's a non stop talker. A nice guy but when he started talking about the election results, I led him out of the house and said thanks and aloha. I think he might have gotten the message. Anyways, Evie now loves our stove, having talked with a technician who allayed her reservations and now that it fits in it's nook, Evie's a happy chef.
Late Autumn Fishermen |
Around 11:00, we powered up both Honda mowers and were off, mulching the leaves in two yards, getting them ready for winter. This may be our last time for cutting the lawn, much to Evie's dismay. It took us about an hour and the yards look great, vast areas of green with nary a leaf as both of our trees are naked once again, ready for winter, with buds, the start of their preparation for spring. I had an easy lunch, soup and a bagel with peanut butter and Evie got ready for her final trip to Lakewood, to get her hair trimmed, return some goodies, and get a few final items for our departure. I did my usual, read, fell asleep for a brief nap, don't know how long, listened to POTUS until I got bored and went out for a kayak paddle, along Long Point, with a few fishing boats and home. It's striking how warm it was in the sun, how cool near the shore in the shade. When I got back, I did some more tidying up of the yard and garden, spread some mulch, raked and swept and filled another pail with twigs and leaves.
Afternoon Paddle |
Evie arrived home just as I was finishing up in the yard. We both were ready for a glass of wine and some appetizers, so we settled down to watch the lake slowly disappear into darkness, wondering if we would see the super moon or not. We did. Dinner was easy, a no brainer, leftover chicken and biscuits, just as good as the previous night. We watched more Vice News, then channel surfed looking for something good to watch but ended up watching the various news programs, depressing as they were. I think I had better forego these programs for the next four years to keep my sanity, whatever is left of it.
A Haunting Super Moon |
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