Sunday, December 27, 2015

Home Again

It's just 7:30 and I have been sitting in the dark until 15 minutes ago when the lake, Long Point, the naked tree limbs in our front yard, all the points of recognition became visible, and a light fog is rising off towards Tom's Point.  It rained most of the night, as water has pooled on our walk. Fortunately, yesterday's incessant southerly wind has died down and all's quiet on the lakefront. It's a temperate 52º, much warmer than yesterday's temperatures which were in the 30's most of the day.  It's been about a week since we have seen the sun!!

An Early December Morning Fisherman
Yesterday's drive home from Bristow, VA, mirrored the drive out ten days ago.  Rain, gray skies, surprisingly busy roads described most of the day.  And by busy, I don't mean traffic stopping busy, just roads that usually have few cars now had enough to notice.  We stopped a couple of times, once to get something to eat, another to do some shopping, and arrived home just as we always do, no matter how many times we stop or don't stop, in seven hours.  We are always anxious when we enter the house after a trip especially in winter, hoping all is well.  It was.  We quickly emptied the car, put things away, so we could enjoy the afternoon, relax on our couch, reading a good book or watching some saved TV shows.

We did stop at Reverie Cheese just up the road from our house and picked up some St. Ivy Cheddar cheese and a baguette because we left a couple of gorgeous cheeses from Trader Joe's at Jill's.  They will enjoy it.  Around 4:00, we decided a pizza sounded good, so I drove over to Bemus and picked up one from Coppola's, the best around.  Later, we enjoyed a long cocktail hour or two, savoring the cheese, bread, and drinks, listening to our usual Saturday night radio show, Prairie Home Companion. In other words, we were quick to get back to the comfort of routine, the bane of retirement I suppose. It's hard to get out of it, easy to get back into it.

We ate around 7:30, pizza, a salad and a soda.  And watched bits and pieces of saved TV shows from the past ten days, some football, but saved both The Affair and Homeland for tonight.  We were both bushed from our drive and went to be by 10:30.

We had a wonderful ten days, celebrating my niece Julia's wedding, with all our family, then spending Christmas with Jill, Drew, and the girls.  We are fortunate grandparents to have such great families.

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