Friday, December 4, 2015

Back In Routine

It's almost 8:00 and I am angry already listening to Joe Scarborough whiplash Obama for being soft on terrorists because he was measured and cautious yesterday when talking about San Berandino. Joe cannot seem to talk about anything without bringing it back to a criticsm of Obama.  It's a troubling enough world we live in without blaming everything on one party or the other. He suggested that Obama was 'clueless' about terrorism.  What a daming and ridiculous things to say about the man who knows more than any of us about terrorism, having gotten updates every day for the past seven years.  Joe's comments are what I call 'irresponsible journalism' because people will believe him. This is why I rarely listen to either Fox or MSNBC, preferring the reasonable NPR and POTUS (Michael Smerconish).  Anyways, another gray morning, a slick lake, with ducks floating by and they look like buffleheads the first of this fall.  They are smaller, somewhat squat, with white, perhaps a hood.  We love seeing them.

Yesterday was like a Sunday, a day of rest, a day when we felt no guilt if we did nothing, not that we did nothing.  But it felt luxurious to sit around and read, watch TV, make Turkish tea, take a nap, all the things we missed over the past few weeks because we were traveling, not that we did not enjoy that. And it's not like we did nothing.  Evie worked on and off much of the day, getting laundry done from our trip, putting everything back in order.  And I enjoyed getting outside, despite the gray skies, the drizzle and ended up picking up a barrel of twigs and branches, down from our trees, as well as another barrel filled with leaves.  Cleaning up our yard is a never ending tale.

Late Afternoon
Lunch was frozen coconut and squash soup which I made and froze a month ago and a piece of pizza. And it was good to settle back into the world of the television series Longmire now that I had met one of the actresses from the series in New Orleans.  Big Deal.  The afternoon went quickly and neither of us ventured out, even when the late afternoon turned somewhat sunny, highlighting Long Point and other sections of Bemus.  While I read, Evie spent a good hour with Time Warner, wrangling a better deal on our internet, adding our phone, a high speeed internet, all for the same price we were paying.  All she had to do is be patient and stay on the line.

Tom's Point
Long Point with Seagulls
Our good friends the McClures, up for a couple of days, picked us up at 6:00 and we went to our usual destination, The Seezurh House, more crowded than usual for a Thursday night.  It was good to see them, and they wanted to know all about our trip.  So that took up most of dinner.  They are off by train to NYC for four days Sunday, to meet Linda's sister from Palo Alto.  Our dinners were not splashy but what we expected.  I even had wings for some reason.  We were home early enough so that we were able to watch two more episdoes of Homeland and we are now caught up.  It's getting better, more tension, action, less fluff.

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