At Pine Junction, With Fox's and Bergens |
7:22, Morning Pink |
A morning of darkness, as the sky slowly lightens to gray, then light pink, now an unhealthy yellow. It's surprisingly warm, 52ยบ, after yesterday's lows in the 30's. And today, the high will be in the 70's, the unpredictable joys of Chautauqua weather. We hope to get back into our routine today, after six busy days of fun, guests, dinners at home, clambakes, trips to Euclid, and dining out.
Yesterday we woke up to another clear, sunny morning, this time on Lake Erie. We spent the night at my sister's house, after the Saturday afternoon clambake. We had a tasty breakfast casserole, of french toast with blue berries, compliments of Coletta Bauer, my sisters' good friend. Along with Rich's perfectly crisped bacon, we had a scrumptious and leisurely breakfast, in no hurry to leave for the lake. We gathered our belongings, picked up our Slovenian sausages from Azman's and headed back to the lake around 10:00, after a great twenty four hours in Euclid, with family and friends.
Hippy Cool |
Pumpkin VW |
We stopped for gas at Love's, just before the PA border, where Evie took pictures of an 'older hippy', with VW van and pumpkins. We got home around 12:30, relaxed for an hour, then started to work, Evie making cookies, hoping to cut the lawn later, and me treating my dock pieces with an anti rust agent, hoping to prolong their life.
Around 2:30, our neighbors, the Fox's and Bergen's invited us to spend the afternoon at Pine Junction, our favorite biker and snowmobile bar. Of course, we threw aside our planned chores, jumped in their car and were off for a fun afternoon. The bar was packed with bikers and others, an hour wait for a table, so we stood outside in the sun, with lots of locals, enjoying the sun, a bluegrass band called the Bluegrass Disciples and people watching. The band was really tight but the star of the afternoon was a biker chick whom us guys would conservatively describe as 'biker hot,' in jeans , chaps and leathers. She would get up and start dancing and everyone stopped what they were doing, transfixed by this gal, seemingly oblivious to the crowd watching her. It helped, too, that she was an amazing dancer.
Biker Chic |
Mesmerizing |
We stood outside for a good hour, people watching, drinking beer, and enjoying just being outside in the sun on a Sunday afternoon. Around 5:00, we got our table, ordered our burgers and chicken sandwiches, as the crowd started to thin just a bit. Our meals were great and the Pine was really hopping on a Sunday afternoon. We stayed until the band played their last number and headed home, the Bergens and us, to the lake, the Fox's home to Cleveland Heights and work tomorrow. Ugh.
Bluegrass Disciples |
When we got home, we finished up what we started in the early afternoon, Evie cutting the lawn and I finished painting the dock pieces with rust remover. It was still sunny and nice out, so things went quickly. Once we finished out jobs, we both collapsed and did little the rest of the day. I watched some football, Evie worked on some pictures on the computer, and we both watched Homeland before going up to bed exhausted.
Today we will start gearing up for our road trip East on Wednesday, a visit to friends, family and Maine, specifically, four days in Acadia National Park. We are excited about or trip, seeing our friends, Mac, Trouts, Cris Lane and kids, and family, grandson Tyler at Dartmouth, and finally the Albarran family at the end of our trip in CT. We plan on being back to the lake the last week of the month.
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