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Euclid's Homecoming Queens, 2014 and 1961 |
The Boys And The Bake |
It's 7:00 and I have my coffee, sitting in my sister's living room, on the shores of Lake Erie. The horizon seems to stretch forever compared to our little Chautauqua Lake, the sky cloudless at this hour still gray, the lake a darker gray, with some contrast. There's little wind so the lake's calm, no big rushers of waves, just a gentle dawn.
Yesterday was another spectacular day in this part of the States, as both Chautauqua and Euclid had sunny cool weather, perfect for the clambakes. Our neighbors at the lake, the Fox's and Kinney's were having a clambake in their yard and we were driving into Euclid for the traditional Holzheimer clambake. So, our morning at the lake was easy, not much to do except the weekly trip to the Transfer Station, some lunch, and then pack a few things for the clambake and over night in Euclid. We left at 2:00, arriving in Euclid just after 4:00 as everyone was arriving.
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View from the Living Room Window |
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My Brother in Law Rich's High School Basketball Teammates and His Son Richie and Wife, Sally |
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My Sister Linda and son Pat |
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The Grand Boys |
When we stepped in the back yard, the bake was already boiling, the coolers filled with beer, nieces and nephews and their kids were everywhere so the day was about to begin. Rich, my brother in law, builds a brick fire place for the occasion, sets the huge boiler on top, with 55 bags of clams, bags of veggies for taste, chicken, corn and sweet potatoes and of course water. He lets it boil for a couple of hours, pulling out the chicken after an hour, then grilling it, just before dinner. And he pulled the corn out early as well, just to make sure it was not over done. As is the tradition, we drank lots of beer, surrounding the bake, enjoying the noisy afternoon, as their neighbors chose this day to cut down a couple of trees and grind the stumps. This lasted for the first hour, kind of funny actually; we just talked louder. Around 5:00, because it was Euclid's Homecoming, my nephew Pat's daughter, Grace, a senior, came over with her date and a number of her friends and their dates for pictures on the cliff in front of the lake, something all the grandchildren seem to do since it's such a scenic spot for pictures. That was lots of fun, lots of picture taking and Euclid's Homecoming Queen was also there, one of Grace's good friends. So, of course, we had to get a picture of her, Fall, 2014 Queen with the Queen from the Fall, of 1961, Evie of course! Evie's cuter.
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With My Niece Katherine, Laurel School's Assistant Head Of School |
Linda's Daughter Kirsten (Candidate for Euclid's Mayor in 2015) and Husband Kevin |
Granddaughter Claire and Sean |
Nephew Pat and Mary Cavanaugh |
Pat and his wife, Courtney |
Evie and Sophie Around Fire |
Niece Grace and Euclid' Homecoming King |
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JP And The Girls |
After the kids and their dates left, we got down to business, the grandchildren hitting the bake first, taking bowls of clams, chicken and corn, off to various areas of the house, to feast on the bake. Linda and Rich's four children and their friends ate outside because it was warm enough, and the old smoothies, those of us seventy and above, ate in the dining room. All told there were thirty five people, mostly children and grandchildren, and a few friends of the kids and of Linda and Rich. The clams were gone quickly as the grandkids, unfortunately, like them as much as the adults. What happened to kids who were picky eaters. None here. Dessert was cheesecake, brownies, and cookies, made by the kids which was a big help to my sister Linda.
It could not have been a nicer day for a bake, warm enough for standing around a bake and drinking beer. The rest of the evening, some, mostly the kids, watched the TV and all the guys came in to watch the Royals win in the 9th inning, sending texts to my son Tom who lives in Kansas City. The rest sat outside in the cool night air, around the fire, till about 10:00, having a great time, swapping stories, talking about our favorite TV series or movies, with the kids who are all aficionados like us of series like Breaking Bad, The Killing, and House of Cards. And, for us, it was great to see all the grandchildren (Linda has 13), two out of college already and one, Connor a freshmen at Keuka College, in the great state of New York.
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Sunsetting Over Lake Erie |
Everyone left around 10:30, having helped Linda clean up some. And the yard was put back together by all the kids which is a big help. Then the four of us had the traditional highball until 11:00 when we went to bed. What a day and night, the best. We were happy to be part of it.
7:15 Sunrise on Lake Erie |
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