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7:25 |
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7:36 |
I didn't get up until 7:15, to a overcast sky, some rain, and a peak of light off to the East as the sun shone for about ten minutes before disappearing again behind the clouds. It's a gray lake and sky, 45º, warmer than yesterday's 38º.
We had a nice Sunday, nothing too exciting, just a good day. Our friends, the Barry's sat and had coffee and toast with us till about 9:00, before driving off, heading for Saratoga Springs. It was a fun visit with them. About 10:30, despite the clouds, we both wanted to get some fresh air, so we drove over to Bemus and hiked the trails of Long Point State Park. It felt good to be out in the crisp fall air, trails covered with leaves, the only others, two or three groups of Maple Grove cross country runners, enjoying a workout. How we both wish we could run like them, gliding easily through the woods, effortless and tireless. We walked out to the point, then back along the trail of Black Locust, to our car. We stopped in Bemus because of a sale at the corner antique shop, picking up some silicon toppers.
Black Locust Trail |
Hiking Long Point |
The rest of the day was a combination of clouds, then sun, then clouds, but we stayed inside for the most part. Evie was busy most of the afternoon making cookies for the grandchildren and I like a true slug, lay on the couch, watching football, occasionally falling asleep. And Evie was in the kitchen, listening to the Browns' announcer Jimmy Donovan on the radio, whom we both love because of his excitement, describe the Browns thrilling victory over Tennessee. Go Browns. Evie finished decorating the cookies around 5:30, so we sat down, enjoyed some wine and cheese and crackers.
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Pumpkin Cookies |
For dinner, we had, at my request, our Sunday morning breakfast, eggs, bacon, toast and home fries. Yum, what a great meal for a Sunday, even for dinner. We watched one new episode of Homeland, and we cannot make up our mind whether we like it with out Brodie or not. We were disappointed that it was not set in Istanbul, which is where Claire Danes was supposed to go and become the CIA head.
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Sunday, Late Afternoon |
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