Saturday, September 20, 2014

Windy And Warm

It's just about 8:00 and the sun, high in the sky, has just peaked over the clouds which hid it's rising for the past hour as gray passes to light.  It's windy, 59º, with a high in the 70's.  A number of boats are out fishing already though I don't think there is a tournament, just a nice day to be on the lake fishing.  It is supposed to be sunny today but the huge cloud bank over Bemus seems to contradict that forecast.

No yoga yesterday because I have decided to take a hiatus, to change my daily schedule and start getting in some walks, hikes, or bike rides, taking advantage of the great weather the next couple of months.  So it was strange to relax most of the morning, with Evie, no taking off for yoga.  We must have stretched out our morning coffee till at least 10:00, as Evie opened a few presents from the kids and me, texted her grandchildren, thanking them for the birthday wishes, and talking with her sisters, all of whom called to wish her happy birthday during the day.  Evie's one wish for the day was to lounge on the dock, reading so she got her wish as she braved the wind, wrapped in a fleece and blanket.  Around 4:00, I decided to go for a bike ride, off to Prendergast Point, then Davis Rd, then home through Victoria, over an hour ride.  It felt good to be on my bike but riding along #394 at that time of the day is not fun because of the heavy traffic.
Evie With The Breakfast Club Wives, Wendy Heinz, and Caran Redington

Evie's Special Cap
Just as we were about to leave for dinner at the Redington's,  Mike Cassell, our good friend from Hudson, thoughtfully stopped by after playing golf in Rochester, to wish Evie a happy birthday 'after she told him it was her birthday.'  He then presented her with a baseball cap from the US Senior Amateur Championship, which he qualified for and played in last week at Newport Beach, CA  He stayed only ten minutes, so we were at the Redingtons on time, along with another breakfast buddy, Charlie Heinz and his wife.  We enjoyed wine before dinner, with brie and Dick's home grown peppers.  We sat and talked for about a half hour before going into their dining room for our first course, potato soup with scallions, all from their garden.  We then had a pork roast, with maple flavored squash, sweet and slightly chunky.  We spent most of the evening, like most grandparents, swapping grandchildren stories, though towards the end of the night, we ended up talking about politics, Charlie the one conservative, the rest of us liberals.  Fortunately, we have all been there before, so it was a spirited, even fun discussion, ranging from Ken Starr to Benghazi, as we agreed to disagree.  We stayed till about 10:30, late for all of us retirees which means we must have been having a good time.  We were home by 10:45, and I went up to read my new book, highly recommended by our neighbors the Leonards called The Boys In The Boat, about the determination and hard work of nine lads who ended up won a Gold Medal in Crew at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, quite an accomplishment for a group who had never rowed before the fall of 1933.

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