Monday, September 1, 2014

We Got The Rain

Up early, just after 6:00, to an overcast, foggy morning, a bit sticky as well.  A silent Labor Day for now, 66º, with some sun and rain forecast for the day.  At the moment, 7:11, the sun is emerging from the cloud bank, a dim disk, a shimmering lake, light above.

Below is another poem from yesterday's Writers Almanac, reminding me of the end of summer.

The sprinkler twirls.
The summer wanes.
The pavement wears
Popsicle stains.

The playground grass
Is worn to dust.
The weary swings
Creak, creak with rust.

The trees are bored
With being green.
Some people leave
The local scene

And go to seaside
And take off nearly
All their clothes.

Yesterday was a rainy Sunday morning, and afternoon, but it cleared around 6:00.  So we had a leisurely Sunday, spent mostly inside, reading, watching some TV in the afternoon, unusual for us, and Evie put together a ricotta pie for tonight's Labor Day picnic.  Around 11:00, the rain seemed to abate, so I put my bike in the car and drove to the CI for a ride.  I did not push myself, rode up and down the various streets, paying attention to the front yard gardens, all still in bloom, especially the hydrangeas.  I circled the grounds twice, taking just around forty five minutes, just the right amount and as I started back to the south end, crossing Thunder Bridge, it started to rain, perfect timing.

For lunch, I had another chicken enchilada, cooked up a couple more ears of corn, before taking a nap, reading some, waiting for the FIBA World Cup basketball game between the US and Turkey. Evie decided to watch a thriller, Enemy of the State, and I joined her.  It's an older film, about the NSA, their spying on individuals so it had some relevance and we enjoyed it till the end when it got silly.  I then watched the Turks takes a six point half time lead over Team USA but eventually lose by twenty points, a moral victory.
Last Night On Lenhart Porch
We then showered, put on our Sunday best, and Linda and Ron picked us up, and we went over to Bemus, to enjoy one last beer, on the Lenhart Hotel's porch.  It closes today.  And, like magic, the sun came out just as we sat down, surely a sign of our importance.  For some reason, perhaps nostalgia, Ron and I always have an Old Vienna, the only time we have it.
Thelma and Louise

We sat with many others, enjoying the respite from the rain, then drove to Guppy's, the parking lot packed, the various porches and venues overflowing with people, an hour wait we were told. Fortunately, we got two seats at the bar, then within 15 minutes two more opened up so we decided to stay and order from the bar, a good choice.  It was a lively night, lots of vacationers and locals, coming and going.  We ran into our neighbors, the Soffels, and Evie, as usual, struck up a conversation with some random guy from Twinsburg, much to Linda McClure's amusement.  Our meals were good though Evie's portabello burger could have been better.  Three out of four isn't bad.

Butch and Sundance
We were home by 9:15, in time to watch another episode of Tyrant, a new show that we will probably stop watching, as it's getting pretty bad.

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