Saturday, September 21, 2013

Clouds and Heavy Rain Welcome The Morning

Heavy Rains at 7:10
I was awakened at 4:00 by heavy rain pelting the roof, managed to get back to sleep till 7:00 when I got up and went out side to check the rain gauge, over an inch in that brief time.  And its rained more since then and we expect more during the day.  I am not sure we need it but we sure are getting it.  Just walked out to get the paper and we had another half inch in the last half hour.

We did not do much exciting yesterday as it was overcast much of the day and surprisingly humid, with rain expected.  I did get a walk in, walking the Morley/Capenter Pringe loop, working up a sweat on an easy forty five minute walk.  Mid morning, while Evie was making pizza dough for dinner, a pie crust, for a buttermilk lemon chess pie, I went to the library to pick up a Thomas Mc Guane novel, set in Montana, quite different from his New Orleans novels.  As I was checking out, I saw the new Jack Reacher on the shelf, picked that up too and I am now half way through it.  Lee Childs is a master at writing readable, fun, and interesting novels.  I discovered him only in the past couple of years but have read everything he's written.  After the library, I picked up a chicken salad sub at the Lighthouse for lunch.  They are always good.

Because it was supposed to rain, Evie worked in the yard, trimming and cutting the lawn and, because our neighbors, the Leonard's have decided to leave early for them, on Sunday, I cut their lawn so they could get packing and working on closing up the house.  Again, it was easy to work up a sweat just cutting the lawn.  At 6:00, Bill Leonard came over for pizza because Joyce was not feeling well.  I baked them outside on the grill after having to clean it of spider webs, something that happens every couple of weeks...very aggravating and I don't know how to keep it from happening.  The pizzas were great, of course, thin crust, slightly burnt, and toppings like fresh mozzarella and basil, along with tomatoes and Italian sausage.  Joyce came over later, for tea, and we had Evie's chess pie before they went home around 8:30 to continue some packing.
Home Made Pizza

We watched S and C (Stewart and Colbert), and I went up to  bed early, to read my Jack Reacher.

It looks like more rain during the day so for me,  it's a visit to the Transfer Station and that's it.

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