Thursday, December 20, 2012

Winter's Coming, Just Not Today

Woodlawn at Dusk
Up too early, at 5:45 and its thirty two degrees outside, and the dire weather reports are beginning.  It sounds like some snow will begin later today, also heavy winds, perhaps up to fifty miles per hour.  The real storm comes sometime tomorrow, at least that's what's predicted.  And we leave for Virginia tomorrow early, so we hope to get out of Dodge before the heavy snows arrive.  We will have to wait and see if the forecasting is accurate.  Right  now its 7:18 and there's a narrow streak of orange above the far shore, heavy clouds above, the last gasp of a sun for a few days if not longer.  And the wind has just begun to howl, like an animal.  It reminds me of the sounds of a winter storm.

My days may seem the same, yoga in mid morning, a stop at the store or coffee shop, an afternoon of reading, perhaps a walk, then dinner, some TV and then to bed.  Not much different from most people I suspect except I don't work, a bit of a difference I agree.  Things change tomorrow, however, when we head off to visit our grandchildren for a couple of weeks.  Road trips are always exciting, a change, a chance to see someone different, a new place, a journey however routine.  Although it's Thursday early, I am already packed and ready to go.  I like to pack in stages, starting two or three days before the trip, adding to my  big blue IKEA bag (my luggage of choice)as I think of something I forgot.  All I have left to do is cancel the paper and I'm ready.

Fortunately, Evie's beginning to see some daylight, as her cough seems better and she's more albe to get a few things done during the day.  I hope today she will be able to make another step forward though she has to take it easy and not try to do too much; we don't want a relapse and pneumonia really depletes your energy, your mojo.

Yesterday' yoga was sparsely attended, only three of us and our teacher, fine with me.  All three of us got special attention.  Today will be much more crowded, I assume though many people are getting ready for the holidays.  After yesterday's yoga, I went to Ryder's Cup, wished Joyce, the barista and owner a Merry Christmas, didn't stop at Weggies but did go to the bank to get some cash for our trip.  Later in the afternoon, I returned some books to the Smith Library and picked up the latest Ian Mc Ewan novel, Sweet Tooth.  I then stopped at the Lighthouse Grocery, parking lot empty, and picked up a puny rotisserie chicken for an easy dinner.  Around 4:30, I walked the Woodlawn/Victoria woods and this is becoming my favorite time to walk, just as dusk is settling, and I walked home the last few yards in darkness.

For dinner, we had the chicken, a salad, and garlic spaghetti, watched some TV, read, and we both went to bed earlier than usual, as we have a big day ahead of us today, getting ready for our departure.

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